Prepared by: Michael Solari
Report created on February 12, 2025
HB1001STATE BUDGET. (THOMPSON J) Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, K-12 and higher education, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Repeals a provision allowing the department of administration to enter into a lease with the Indiana historical society (society) for use of a building. Requires the director of the budget agency to make a written determination that funds are not appropriated or otherwise available to support continuation of the performance of any contract or lease with the society. Establishes the primary care access revolving fund for the purpose of making loans to primary care medical practices in Indiana. Requires that the salary matrix for state police, capitol police officers, and department of natural resources law enforcement officers be adjusted each time an adjustment is made to a pay plan for state employees in the executive branch. Provides a sales and use tax exemption period for three days in January and in August of each year for the following items: (1) School supplies. (2) Clothing, including shoes. (3) Computers and computer accessories. (4) Learning aids. (5) Sports and recreational equipment to be used by an individual who is not more than 18 years of age. Provides a sales and use tax exemption period for seven days in May of each year for the following items: (1) Bicycles and accessories. (2) Fishing supplies. (3) Hiking supplies. (4) Hunting supplies. Requires the department of state revenue to calculate an annual adjusted gross income tax exemption index factor to be used in determining certain exemption amounts for purposes of calculating an individual's adjusted gross income each taxable year. Provides an adjusted gross income tax deduction for retirement benefits, phased in over four years. Exempts tips received by an individual employed in a service-providing industry occupation from the adjusted gross income tax. Increases the: (1) employee threshold; and (2) maximum amount of tax credits that may be granted in a year; for purposes of the health reimbursement arrangement income tax credit. Establishes a state tax credit for certain capital investments made in rural funds (rural fund credit). Prescribes requirements for the rural fund credit. Provides an adjusted gross income tax credit for retired farmers who sell or lease farmland or sell livestock to a qualified beginning farmer. Requires the treasurer of state to establish a long term care savings account program that allows an individual to save for long term care expenses. Provides an adjusted gross income tax deduction for contributions made to an individual's long term care savings account during a taxable year. Provides an adjusted gross income tax deduction for long term care insurance premiums paid during the taxable year. Requires the treasurer of state to establish a farm savings account program that allows an individual to save for farming related expenses. Provides an adjusted gross income tax deduction for contributions made to an individual's farm savings account during a taxable year. Establishes the local child care assistance program for the purpose of providing a county with assistance in expanding the availability of child care in the county, including by providing matching grants. Extends the sunset of the collection of hospital assessment fees and health facility quality assessment fees from June 30, 2025, to June 30, 2027. Removes the annual income maximum for choice scholarship eligibility and eligibility for the education scholarship account. Provides that an individual may continue to participate in the career scholarship program after graduating, receiving an Indiana high school equivalency diploma, or obtaining a certificate of completion if the individual: (1) participated in the career scholarship program or the education savings account program while enrolled in grade 10, 11, or 12 in Indiana; (2) was a student with a disability at the time the account was established who required special education and for whom an individualized education program, a service plan, or a choice special education plan was developed; and (3) is less than 22 years of age. Establishes the Hoosier workforce upskill program to provide grants to eligible employers for reimbursement of training expenses. Establishes the public prosecution fund to provide county reimbursement of compensation paid to deputy prosecuting attorneys and other administrative expenses. Provides that unexpended and unencumbered amounts appropriated from the federal economic stimulus fund in P.L.165-2021 do not revert to the state general fund. Requires the state comptroller to transfer: (1) $15,000,000 from the addiction services fund; and (2) $25,000,000 from the department of insurance fund; to the tobacco master settlement agreement fund on July 1, 2025.
 Current Status:   2/6/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 11:00 AM, Rm. 404
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Porter and Snow
1/21/2025 - Authored By Jeffrey Thompson
 State Bill Page:   HB1001
HB1005HOUSING AND BUILDING MATTERS. (MILLER D) Requires (rather than allows) a city, town, or county (unit) that requires a building permit for construction of a Class 2 structure to allow the inspection to be provided by private providers in addition to the unit's inspectors. Creates deadlines and a process for a unit to approve any of the following if required by the unit: (1) A building permit. (2) A plan review. (3) An inspection. Requires the state to give political subdivisions that enact certain land use policies first priority in receiving loans from the residential housing infrastructure assistance revolving fund.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 126: yeas 93, nays 0
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Senate sponsors: Senators Rogers and Garten
2/11/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/10/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/10/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/6/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
2/6/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/4/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 22; Nays: 0
2/4/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
1/27/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/27/2025 - Recommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
1/27/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 1
1/27/2025 - House Government and Regulatory Reform, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, 156-C
1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Hall and O'Brien
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Doug Miller
 State Bill Page:   HB1005
HB1008INDIANA-ILLINOIS BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT COMMISSION. (HUSTON T) Establishes the Indiana-Illinois boundary adjustment commission, including five members appointed by the governor and five members appointed under Illinois law, to discuss and recommend whether it is advisable to adjust the boundaries between the two states.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Jordan and Lindauer
1/21/2025 - Authored By Todd Huston
 State Bill Page:   HB1008
HB1016SCHOOL SAFETY COMMISSION. (COMMONS M) Provides for the appointment of a fire chief, or the fire chief's designee, to a county school safety commission.
 Current Status:   1/30/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Deery
 All Bill Status:   1/30/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 44: yeas 91, nays 0
1/30/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/27/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/22/2025 - House Committee recommends passage Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
1/22/2025 - House Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, House Chamber
1/21/2025 - added as coauthors Representatives Bartels and O'Brien
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Education
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Davis
1/8/2025 - Authored By Matt Commons
 State Bill Page:   HB1016
HB10201977 PENSION AND DISABILITY FUND. (HAGGARD C) Increases the following in regard to the 1977 police officers' and firefighters' pension and disability fund: (1) the maximum annual cost of living adjustment from 3% to 5%; and (2) the death benefit payable to the heirs or estate of a fund member from $12,000 to $15,000.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - added as coauthors Representatives Judy, Andrade, Garcia Wilburn
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Craig Haggard
 State Bill Page:   HB1020
HB1028HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX FREEZE. (VANNATTER H) Freezes an individual's property tax liability attributable to the individual's homestead based on the date on which the individual acquired an ownership interest in the homestead.
 Current Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Heath VanNatter
 State Bill Page:   HB1028
HB1051MOBILE INTEGRATION HEALTHCARE GRANTS. (PRESSEL J) Provides that an emergency medical services provider agency that is operated by a county is eligible for a mobile integration healthcare grant.
 Current Status:   1/29/2025 - Referred to Senate
 All Bill Status:   1/28/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Baldwin
1/28/2025 - Cosponsor: Senator Crider
1/28/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 19: yeas 91, nays 0
1/28/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/27/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/27/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/21/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/14/2025 - House Committee recommends passage Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/14/2025 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, 156-A
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Public Health
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Bartels
1/8/2025 - Authored By Jim Pressel
 State Bill Page:   HB1051
HB1075PROPERTY TAXES. (HAGGARD C) Provides that, for assessments beginning in 2026, the assessed value of homestead property shall not be subject to annual adjustments (trending), but instead shall be determined based on the assessed value of the homestead on the January 1, 2025, assessment date, the assessed value of the homestead on the first assessment date that it becomes homestead property, if it was not a homestead on the January 1, 2025, assessment date, or the sales price or fair market value of the homestead, if there is a change of ownership after January 1, 2025. Increases the amount of the assessed value deduction for disabled veterans. Phases in the increase over five years from $24,960 under current law to $50,000 for assessments beginning in 2030. Provides for a five year phase in of a 100% property tax credit for the property tax liability imposed on the homestead of an individual who is or will be at least 65 years of age on or before December 31 of the calendar year immediately preceding the current calendar year in which the individual's property taxes are first due and payable. Specifies, beginning with property taxes first due and payable in 2026, the annual amounts of the phased in property tax credit for such an individual's homestead. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Craig Haggard
 State Bill Page:   HB1075
HB1092FUNDING FOR PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING. (GARCIA WILBURN V) Appropriates $2,000,000 from the state general fund to the department of homeland security (department) to be used by the department for the purpose of providing mental health and wellness training for: (1) law enforcement officers; (2) emergency medical services providers; and (3) full-time firefighters.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Lopez D
 All Bill Status:   1/9/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Haggard
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Shonkwiler
1/8/2025 - Authored By Victoria Garcia Wilburn
 State Bill Page:   HB1092
HB1099SAFE HAVEN INFANTS AND FOSTER YOUTH. (DEVON D) Provides that the maximum age for a safe haven infant is 60 days of age. Repeals the definition of "abandoned child". Amends the definition of "foster youth". Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   2/4/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Donato
 All Bill Status:   2/4/2025 - Cosponsors: Senators Holdman and Walker G
2/4/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 80: yeas 90, nays 0
2/4/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/3/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Summers
2/3/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/3/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/29/2025 - House Committee recommends passage Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/29/2025 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-B
1/27/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Goss-Reaves
1/22/2025 - House Family, Children and Human Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, 156-B
1/21/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Pierce K
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Family, Children and Human Affairs
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Dale DeVon
 State Bill Page:   HB1099
HB1101TAX DEDUCTION AND CREDIT FOR PERSONS 65 OR OLDER. (ABBOTT D) Increases, for purposes of the deduction for persons 65 or older: (1) the adjusted gross income threshold for an individual from $30,000 to $40,000; (2) the combined adjusted gross income threshold for an individual filing a joint return with the individual's spouse from $40,000 to $50,000; (3) the combined adjusted gross income for an individual and all other individuals that are joint tenants or tenants in common from $40,000 to $50,000; and (4) the maximum assessed value of the property subject to the deduction from $240,000 to $350,000. Increases, for purposes of the over 65 circuit breaker credit: (1) the adjusted gross income threshold for an individual from $30,000 to $40,000; (2) the combined adjusted gross income threshold for an individual filing a joint return with the individual's spouse from $40,000 to $50,000; and (3) the maximum assessed value of the property subject to the credit from $240,000 to $350,000. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   1/27/2025 - added as coauthor Representative King
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Smaltz
1/8/2025 - Authored By David Abbott
 State Bill Page:   HB1101
HB1113FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS. (ZIMMERMAN A) Expands the purposes for which a fire protection district may be established.
 Current Status:   2/12/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
 All Bill Status:   1/29/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 2:00 PM, Rm. 404
1/21/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/14/2025 - House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, 156-B
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Bartels and O'Brien
1/8/2025 - Authored By Alex Zimmerman
 State Bill Page:   HB1113
HB1118CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT DEBRIEFINGS. (MCNAMARA W) Provides that a first responder recipient of critical incident stress management (CISM) services may not be compelled to testify or otherwise disclose a communication made to a CISM services provider or peer support team member relating to the first responder recipient's CISM services in a civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding. Provides that a first responder recipient or the first responder recipient's employer may not be held liable for damages for any act, error, or omission committed by the first responder recipient based on a communication provided between a first responder recipient and CISM team, CISM services provider, or peer support team as part of the CISM services unless the act, error, or omission constitutes wanton, willful, or intentional misconduct.
 Current Status:   1/29/2025 - Referred to Senate
 All Bill Status:   1/28/2025 - Cosponsor: Senator Clark
1/28/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Baldwin
1/28/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 26: yeas 90, nays 0
1/28/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/27/2025 - added as coauthors Representatives Pressel and Gore
1/27/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/27/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/21/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/14/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/14/2025 - House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, 156-B
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Bartels
1/8/2025 - Authored By Wendy McNamara
 State Bill Page:   HB1118
HB1142LOCAL INCOME TAX COUNCIL. (THOMPSON J) Extends the expiration of provisions concerning a county with a single voting bloc and the allocation of votes for a local income tax council.
 Current Status:   2/12/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
 All Bill Status:   1/15/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Jeffrey Thompson
 State Bill Page:   HB1142
HB1153PROJECT LIFESAVER PROGRAM REQUIREMENT FOR COUNTIES. (PFAFF T) Requires each county to establish and maintain a Project Lifesaver program. Tasks the division of disability and rehabilitative services with ensuring compliance, and requires the division to report to the general assembly.
 Current Status:   1/9/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Andrade
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to House Local Government
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Tonya Pfaff
 State Bill Page:   HB1153
HB1155SIGNAL JAMMING DEVICES. (PIERCE M) Provides that a signal jammer may be seized. Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally manufactures, offers for sale, imports, markets, sells, possesses, uses, or operates a signal jammer commits unlawful use of a signal jammer, a Level 6 felony.
 Current Status:   2/4/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Glick
 All Bill Status:   2/4/2025 - Cosponsors: Senators Koch and Pol
2/4/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 83: yeas 89, nays 2
2/4/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/3/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/3/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
1/29/2025 - House Courts and Criminal Code, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, Rm. 156-A
1/8/2025 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives McNamara, Gore, Bartels
1/8/2025 - Authored By Matt Pierce
 State Bill Page:   HB1155
HB1183INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS. (MOSELEY C) Provides that an individual who is a volunteer firefighter is entitled to a credit of $200 against the individual's adjusted gross income tax liability each taxable year.
 Current Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Chuck Moseley
 State Bill Page:   HB1183
HB1221PENSION MATTERS. (KARICKHOFF M) Provides for a thirteenth check in certain years for certain members, participants, or beneficiaries of the: (1) Indiana state teachers' retirement fund; (2) Indiana public employees' retirement fund; (3) state excise police, gaming agent, gaming control officer, and conservation enforcement officers' retirement plan; (4) state police pre-1987 benefit system; and (5) state police 1987 benefit system.
 Current Status:   2/4/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Buchanan
 All Bill Status:   2/4/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 86: yeas 89, nays 0
2/4/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/3/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/3/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 24; Nays: 0
1/29/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 2:00 PM, Rm. 404
1/27/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Porter
1/22/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
1/21/2025 - added as coauthor Representative VanNatter
1/13/2025 - Reassigned to Committee on Ways and Means
1/9/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Smaltz
1/9/2025 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
1/9/2025 - First Reading
1/9/2025 - Authored By Michael Karickhoff
 State Bill Page:   HB1221
HB1229LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (PRESCOTT J) Abolishes the assessment of tangible property after December 31, 2025, and the imposition of property taxes after December 31, 2026. Provides that a political subdivision may not issue any new bonds, notes, or warrants, or enter into any leases or obligations to be paid from property tax revenue, or that include a pledge to levy property taxes if other funds are insufficient. Provides that: (1) no property tax increment financing district or allocation area may be established, amended, or renewed; and (2) no bonds, leases, or other obligations may be issued, entered into, or extended for a property tax increment financing district or allocation area. Provides that a school corporation may impose an annual fee to replace the loss of revenue previously collected by the school corporation from the imposition of an operating referendum tax levy or school safety referendum tax levy. Prescribes procedures for the fixing and reviewing of a political subdivision's budget. Prohibits the imposition of new levies for controlled projects, operating referenda, and school safety referenda. Abolishes the offices of county assessor and township assessor. Extends the sales and use tax application to transactions involving services, except for health or mental health services (including insurance premiums for policies covering these services) and services provided for charitable tax exempt purposes. Establishes the local revenue sharing fund (fund) into which revenue from the portion of revenue from the extended sales and use tax is to be deposited. Requires the state comptroller to distribute to taxing units the portion of all the state sales and use tax revenue attributable to services from the fund. Continually appropriates money from the fund. Requires the legislative services agency to prepare legislation for introduction in the 2026 regular session of the general assembly to make appropriate required changes in statutes. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   1/27/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Payne
 All Bill Status:   1/9/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/9/2025 - First Reading
1/9/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Haggard
1/9/2025 - Authored By J.D. Prescott
 State Bill Page:   HB1229
HB1233LOCAL GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION. (ENGLEMAN K) Provides that on January 1, 2027, in all counties except Marion County, the following occur: (1) Township government is dissolved. (2) The county executive assumes the powers and duties of township trustees with regard to fire protection and emergency services (fire services). (3) An elected county trustee assumes the powers and duties of township trustees regarding township assistance. Specifies that, on January 1, 2027, the following occur: (1) All fire protection districts and fire protection territories are dissolved. (2) Fire services are provided in accordance with a county fire protection and emergency medical services plan (county plan). (3) The county emergency management director is responsible for the day to day operations of administering the county plan. Provides that all incorporated towns with a population of less than 1,000 are required: (1) to report not later than November 1, 2025, and every November 1 every four years thereafter as to the services provided to residents, and operating costs; and (2) to be dissolved by the county legislative body if the town's operating costs exceed the expenditures for delivery of services to residents.
 Current Status:   1/9/2025 - Referred to House Local Government
 All Bill Status:   1/9/2025 - First Reading
1/9/2025 - Authored By Karen Engleman
 State Bill Page:   HB1233
HB1265CONDEMNATION OF HOOSIER HOMESTEAD PROPERTY. (GREENE R) Establishes the Hoosier homestead program administered by the Indiana state department of agriculture to commemorate and maintain a registry of farms owned by the same family for at least 100 years. Provides that if a condemnation action involves the taking of a fee simple interest in a Hoosier homestead: (1) the property owner is entitled to testify at a hearing conducted by the appropriate municipal or county legislative body; and (2) the legislative body must approve the condemnation for the condemnation to proceed. Provides that only the portion of a farm that satisfies the familial ownership and other requirements receives the Hoosier homestead designation and is subject to the provisions regarding eminent domain. Requires all property taxes to be paid up to date to be registered as a Hoosier homestead property or to renew registration as a Hoosier homestead property.
 Current Status:   1/30/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Leising
 All Bill Status:   1/30/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 52: yeas 88, nays 0
1/30/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
1/29/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/29/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/27/2025 - added as coauthors Representatives Criswell and Baird
1/27/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/23/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/23/2025 - House Agriculture and Rural Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, 156-C
1/14/2025 - House Agriculture and Rural Development, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 156-C
1/9/2025 - Referred to House Agriculture and Rural Development
1/9/2025 - First Reading
1/9/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Culp
1/9/2025 - Authored By Robb Greene
 State Bill Page:   HB1265
HB1274HEALTH FINANCE MATTERS. (MANNING E) Adds capital projects, technology upgrades, and operational expenses for certain county hospitals to the definition of "public safety" for purposes of local income tax revenue use. Increases the maximum local income tax that may be imposed in certain counties if a tax rate is adopted for purposes related to certain hospitals located in the county. Establishes the rural hospital clinically integrated network grant program to provide grants to rural hospital clinically integrated networks. Establishes the Indiana rural hospital and critical health care services fund (rural health care services fund) for the purpose of awarding grants to certain rural hospitals. Provides that the Indiana department of health (state department) administers the rural health care services fund. Establishes the following: (1) The health workforce student loan repayment program (program). (2) The health workforce advisory board (advisory board). (3) The health workforce student loan repayment program fund (repayment program fund) for the purpose of providing funds to repay outstanding student loans of certain health providers who meet the program requirements. Provides that the state department shall administer the program and repayment program fund. Establishes: (1) the imposition of fees at the time a license is issued or renewed for certain health profession licenses; and (2) qualifications to receive a student loan repayment award under the program. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2025, the state department and each board included in the program may award a student loan repayment to an eligible applicant who is a provider licensed by the board. Provides that money in the repayment program fund is continuously appropriated. Repeals provisions concerning the following: (1) The primary care physician loan forgiveness program. (2) The mental health services development programs. (3) The dental underserved area and minority recruitment program. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying topics related to the rural health care services fund. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate study committee the task of studying certain topics related to health care services.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Reassigned to Committee on Public Health
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Ethan Manning
 State Bill Page:   HB1274
HB1286PFAS CHEMICALS. (CASH B) Requires the department of environmental management to publish a registry of persons that discharge PFAS chemicals into waters of the state.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Environmental Affairs
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representative McGuire
1/13/2025 - Authored By Becky Cash
 State Bill Page:   HB1286
HB1314DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PLAN. (SMITH V) Allows a member of the 1925 police pension fund, 1937 firefighters' pension fund, 1953 police pension fund (Indianapolis), or 1977 police officers' and firefighters' pension and disability fund to withdraw from the deferred retirement option plan (DROP) and make an election to enter the DROP for a second time not earlier than three years after the date the member withdraws from the DROP. Provides that a member may make an election to enter the DROP only twice in the member's lifetime.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Vernon Smith
 State Bill Page:   HB1314
HB1332CANNABIS. (JOHNSON B) Establishes a procedure for the lawful production and sale of cannabis in Indiana. Makes conforming amendments. Makes an appropriation.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Courts and Criminal Code
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Blake Johnson
 State Bill Page:   HB1332
HB1345INCOME TAX REPLACEMENT. (BORDERS B) Eliminates the state adjusted gross income tax by reducing the rate to zero. Provides that the reduction in revenue resulting from the elimination of the state adjusted gross income tax must be offset by adjustments to the state gross retail tax. Provides that in calculating the local income tax (LIT), which is imposed based on a local taxpayer's state adjusted gross income, the calculation of a taxpayer's state adjusted gross income for LIT purposes shall be calculated under the adjusted gross income tax provisions as if those provisions, and the most recent adjusted gross income tax rate before its elimination, were still in effect.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Bruce Borders
 State Bill Page:   HB1345
HB1352MENTAL HEALTH CARE FOR FIRST RESPONDERS. (JACKSON C) Establishes the Indiana first responders mental health wellness fund and program (fund and program). Provides that the division of mental health and addiction of the office of the secretary of family and social services (division) shall administer the fund and program. Provides that a first responder who meets certain requirements may apply to the division for: (1) costs associated with the first responder's active participation in a mental health treatment plan as determined by a psychologist or physician treating the first responder; and (2) compensation if the first responder is unable to work. Establishes requirements for obtaining compensation. Makes a continuous appropriation.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Pressel and Harris
1/13/2025 - Authored By Carolyn Jackson
 State Bill Page:   HB1352
HB1362ANNEXATION. (HALL D) With certain exceptions, requires a municipality that initiates an annexation to file with the court an annexation petition approved by the signatures of: (1) at least 51% of the owners of land not exempt from property taxes in the annexation territory; or (2) the owners of at least 75% in assessed valuation of land not exempt from property taxes in the annexation territory. Requires the court to hold a hearing if the petition has the necessary signatures. Adds provisions for determining the validity of signatures. Provides that a landowner may enter into an agreement to consent to a future annexation in certain circumstances. Eliminates the following: (1) Remonstrances and remonstrance waivers. (2) Reimbursement of remonstrator's attorney's fees and costs. (3) Adoption of a fiscal plan for voluntary annexations requested by 100% of landowners in the annexation territory. (4) Settlement agreements in lieu of annexation. (5) Provisions regarding contiguity of a public highway.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/11/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 9; Nays: 4
2/11/2025 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-C
2/4/2025 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-C
1/27/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Morris
1/13/2025 - Referred to House Local Government
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Dave Hall
 State Bill Page:   HB1362
HB1366PFAS WATER SAFETY STANDARDS. (DVORAK R) Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to establish state maximum contaminant levels for PFAS in water provided by public water systems. Provides that maximum contaminant levels established by the state department: (1) must be protective of public health, including the health of vulnerable subpopulations; and (2) may not be less stringent than any maximum contaminant level or health advisory promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Environmental Affairs
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Ryan Dvorak
 State Bill Page:   HB1366
HB1367DRIVING KNOWLEDGE TEST. (MORRIS R) Requires the bureau of motor vehicles to include a question regarding the requirements for yielding the right-of-way for: (1) an authorized emergency vehicle; (2) a stationary recovery vehicle; or (3) a disabled stationary vehicle with active flashing signals; in the knowledge test for a learner's permit or a driver's license. Provides that an applicant who incorrectly answers the question automatically fails the test.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Roads and Transportation
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Teshka and Judy
1/13/2025 - Authored By Robert Morris
 State Bill Page:   HB1367
HB1368SCHOOL LEVY REFERENDA. (BEHNING R) Provides that: (1) a referendum authorizing a school corporation to impose property taxes to pay debt service on bonds or lease rentals on a lease for a specified controlled project; (2) a school corporation operating referendum tax levy; or (3) a school corporation school safety referendum tax levy; may be placed on the ballot only at a general election.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Elections and Apportionment
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representative McGuire
1/13/2025 - Authored By Robert Behning
 State Bill Page:   HB1368
HB1371SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM TAX CREDIT. (BOY P) Establishes a solar energy system tax credit. Provides that a taxpayer is entitled to a credit against the taxpayer's state tax liability for a taxable year in which the taxpayer makes a qualified investment in a solar energy system equal to the lesser of: (1) 25% of the qualified expenditures made during the taxable year; or (2) $50,000. Requires the Indiana utility regulatory commission to adopt rules governing community solar facilities not later than July 1, 2026. Provides that, not later than 180 days after adoption of the rules, an electricity supplier shall begin: (1) allowing interconnection of the electricity supplier's facilities with community solar facilities in which three or more of the electricity supplier's customers have entered into a community solar subscription; and (2) crediting the electricity supplier's subscribing customers for the amount of electricity from the community solar facility for which the customer subscribes.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Pat Boy
 State Bill Page:   HB1371
HB1383INDIANA CIVILIAN CYBER CORPS. (JUDY C) Establishes the Indiana civilian cyber corps program (program). Provides that the adjutant general of the military department shall administer the program. Provides that the program includes civilian volunteers who have expertise in addressing cybersecurity incidents and who volunteer at the invitation of the adjutant general to provide rapid response assistance to a cybersecurity client in need of expert assistance after recognition of a cybersecurity incident or potential cybersecurity incident. Provides that the work product of a civilian cyber corps volunteer or advisor, including any information voluntarily submitted to the volunteer or advisor, is exempt from disclosure. Provides that a civilian cyber corps volunteer or advisor is immune from tort liability for an injury to a person or damage to property that occurs while the volunteer or advisor is deployed and acting on behalf of the adjutant general if certain conditions are met. Repeals the Indiana cyber civilian corps program advisory board. Makes an appropriation.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Bartels, Haggard, Morris
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Chris Judy
 State Bill Page:   HB1383
HB1388SCHOOL PROTECTIVE DOOR ASSEMBLIES. (PRESSEL J) Requires, not later than July 1, 2026, the fire prevention and building commission to adopt rules to adopt the: (1) Standard for Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) published by the National Fire Protection Association; and (2) Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives (NFPA 80) published by the National Fire Protection Association for the purpose of regulating protective door assemblies for schools. Requires each school corporation, charter school, or state accredited nonpublic school (school) to annually inspect each protective door assembly in each school building that is being used to provide instruction to students. Provides that the inspection must: (1) be performed by a qualified inspector; (2) verify whether each particular protective door assembly meets certain standards; and (3) include a report to the school with the results of the inspection. Provides that if a protective door assembly is determined to not be in compliance with standards and there is a serious risk for a fire or life safety hazard, the school shall remedy the noncompliant protective door assembly not later than 180 days after the date of the inspection. Provides that if a protective door assembly is determined to not be in compliance with standards, but there is not a serious risk for a fire or life safety hazard, the school shall remedy the noncompliant protective door assembly not later than 18 months after the date of the inspection. Provides that the department of homeland security (department) or the department's designee shall annually review a school's inspection records. Provides that the department or the department's designee shall issue an order to the school if the protective door assembly is not brought into compliance within the designated period to remedy. Requires a school that receives an order to post the citation on the school's website until the noncompliant protective door assembly is made compliant with certain standards. Requires the fire prevention and building commission to adopt administrative rules.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Education
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Bartels and Davis
1/13/2025 - Authored By Jim Pressel
 State Bill Page:   HB1388
HB1398OFFICE OF SCHOOL SAFETY. (DAVIS M) Establishes the office of school safety (office) within the department of homeland security. Requires the office to: (1) function as a central repository for best practices regarding school safety; (2) establish certain school safety guidelines and standards; and (3) monitor the implementation of school safety legislation. Allows the office, at the request of a county school safety commission, to: (1) review school safety plans; (2) provide onsite safety reviews; and (3) provide guidance or assistance relating to school safety matters. Requires the office to maintain a public website containing certain information. Provides that the secured school safety board must review school safety grant expenditures and submit an annual report to the office. Creates certain responsibilities for multi-disciplinary threat assessment teams upon receipt of a report of a threat or threatening behavior. Repeals the division of school building physical security and safety established within the department of education.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Criswell and Commons
1/13/2025 - Authored By Michelle Davis
 State Bill Page:   HB1398
HB1402LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (THOMPSON J) Phases in a total exemption for business personal property that is placed in service after January 1, 2025. Specifies that the exemption does not apply to business personal property that is placed in service on or before January 1, 2025. Increases the acquisition cost threshold for the business personal property tax exemption from $80,000 to $200,000 over six years. Provides that the 30% minimum valuation limitation does not apply to business personal property placed in service after January 1, 2025. Phases down the minimum valuation percentage from 30% to zero for business personal property placed in service on or before January 1, 2025. Phases down the homestead standard deduction over five years to zero beginning for taxes due and payable in 2031. Phases in an increase in the supplemental homestead deduction over five years to 2/3 of the assessed value (AV) of the homestead. Provides an AV deduction for all property that is subject to the 2% circuit breaker credit for excessive property taxes for assessment dates beginning in 2025. Provides that the amount of the AV deduction is increased over a five year period from a 7% AV deduction for taxes due and payable in 2026 to a 1/3 AV deduction for taxes due and payable in 2031, and each taxable year thereafter. Expires certain property tax deductions allowed in current law, and instead allows a credit against local property taxes in certain instances. Increases, beginning in 2027, the maximum local income tax (LIT) expenditure rate for all counties to 2.9%. Authorizes a city or town to impose a municipal LIT rate beginning in 2027 not to exceed 1.2%. Provides four rate categories within the county's total expenditure rate that a county may adopt: (1) up to a 1.2% rate for county general purpose revenue; (2) up to a 0.4% rate for fire protection and emergency medical services; (3) up to a 0.2% rate for nonmunicipal civil taxing unit general purpose revenue; and (4) up to 1.2% for certain cities and towns that are not eligible to adopt a municipal LIT rate. Defines "nonmunicipal civil taxing units". Eliminates the imposition of the LIT on individuals who maintain a principal place of business or employment in a county with a LIT but do not reside in the county. Eliminates provisions that provide for a distribution of LIT expenditure rate revenue to schools and civil taxing units in counties that imposed a rate under the prior county adjusted gross income tax (CAGIT). Expires the authority to impose a property tax relief rate under the LIT and repeals the levy freeze rate. Provides that an ordinance adopted to impose a LIT property tax relief rate shall expire December 31, 2026. Provides that, in order to continue to impose an expenditure tax rate after 2026, each county must adopt a new ordinance in 2026 (on or before October 1, 2026) to impose the rate. Provides that, for counties that fail to adopt an ordinance to renew an existing expenditure tax rate in 2026, the expenditure tax rate for the county in 2027 shall be the minimum tax rate necessary for existing debt service. Specifies that this does not prevent the county from renewing, imposing, or modifying an expenditure tax rate in subsequent years. Eliminates local income tax councils beginning July 1, 2026, and instead provides that the county fiscal body is the adopting body in all counties for purposes of the county LIT, and the city or town fiscal body is the adopting body in the case of a municipal LIT. Requires the budget agency to determine the difference between the balance in a county's local income tax trust account as of December 31, 2025, minus the county's certified distribution amount for 2027, and beginning in 2027, make five consecutive special distributions to counties over a five year period equal to 20% of that amount each year. Establishes the local income tax holding account within the state general fund for purposes of local income tax distributions. Provides that the budget agency shall administer the account. Requires the budget agency to maintain an accounting for each county imposing a local income tax based on annual returns filed by or for county taxpayers (same as current law). Requires undistributed amounts so accounted to be held for purposes of the local income tax holding account beginning after December 31, 2026. (Under current law, undistributed amounts are required to be held in reserve separate from the state general fund.) Requires the budget agency to present each December to the budget committee a report of the following: (1) An estimate of the monthly certified distribution amounts for the immediately succeeding calendar year. (2) A description of the method used to determine the monthly estimates. (3) The balance in the local income tax holding account, including an accounting of the undistributed amounts held for purposes of the account. Beginning in 2027, requires the budget agency to make monthly transfers to the local income tax holding account of the amount determined for the month in its report to the budget committee. Repeals a provision that requires the budget agency to adjust the certified distribution of a county for the succeeding year following a tax rate change. Makes technical corrections. Makes a continuous appropriation.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Clere
1/13/2025 - Authored By Jeffrey Thompson
 State Bill Page:   HB1402
HB1421SEPTIC GRANT PROGRAM. (AYLESWORTH M) Provides that money in the water infrastructure grant fund (fund) may be used to provide grants, loans, or other financial assistance to participants of the fund for the planning, designing, or acquisition, construction, renovation, improvement, or expansion of, a residential onsite sewage system or an onsite residential sewage discharging disposal system. Establishes various criteria for a participant to apply for a grant, loan, or other financial assistance. Requires the Indiana finance authority to establish a project prioritization system for the purposes of awarding grants, loans, or other financial assistance from the fund for the purpose of planning, designing, or acquisition, construction, renovation, improvement, or expansion of, a residential onsite sewage systems or an onsite residential sewage discharging disposal system.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to House Environmental Affairs
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Mike Aylesworth
 State Bill Page:   HB1421
HB1427DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (SNOW C) Provides that the only permissible method of filing a personal property return is by using the personal property online submission portal. Establishes a $5 filing fee and an exception. Adds requirements for the filing of a petition for review of land value. For purposes of public utility companies, specifies that the period of time that a taxpayer may file an objection with the department of local government finance (department) is not later than 15 days after the notice is postmarked. For purposes of the assessment of industrial facilities in Lake County, changes the minimum population for a qualifying county from 400,000 to 450,000. For purposes of property of an exempt organization used in a nonexempt trade or business, provides that the department may (as opposed to shall in current law) adopt certain rules. Provides that all or part of a building is deemed to serve a charitable purpose and thus is exempt from property taxation if it is owned by a nonprofit entity and is: (1) registered as a continuing care retirement community; (2) defined as a small house health facility; or (3) licensed as a health care or residential care facility. Adds continuing care retirement communities and small house health facilities to the list of exempt entities. Clarifies the deadline for submitting amended certified net assessed value amounts. Provides that property tax assessment board of appeals members' terms must be staggered for a two year period and begin on January 1. Repeals certain language related to the commercial vehicle excise tax. Provides for funding for cultural institutions.
 Current Status:   2/12/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
 All Bill Status:   1/22/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
1/13/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Craig Snow
 State Bill Page:   HB1427
HB1437TOWNSHIP MAXIMUM PROPERTY TAX LEVY. (CAMPBELL C) Provides that a township may increase its maximum property tax levy if the township: (1) has a population of more than 10,000; or (2) experiences population growth of at least 4,000 during a 10 year period. Prescribes the maximum amount of increase in a township's maximum property tax levy. Prescribes a township's maximum property tax levy following an increase.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Chris Campbell
 State Bill Page:   HB1437
HB1452AUDITS OF TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENTS. (O'BRIEN T) Requires the state board of accounts to conduct examinations of townships not less than once every two years (rather than not less than once every four years under current law).
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Local Government
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Miller D
1/21/2025 - Authored By Timothy O'Brien
 State Bill Page:   HB1452
HB1454EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES. (O'BRIEN T) Specifies that emergency medical services, including emergency ambulance services, are essential services in Indiana. Specifies that the provision of emergency medical services is an essential purpose of political subdivisions. Requires the county commissioners of each county to: (1) identify areas that are unserved by emergency ambulance services; and (2) provide emergency ambulance services to the areas by establishing a county emergency ambulance service, contracting with a public, private, or nonprofit provider of emergency ambulance services, or by any other available means.
 Current Status:   1/30/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
 All Bill Status:   1/30/2025 - Recommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
1/30/2025 - House Committee recommends passage Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/30/2025 - House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-B
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representatives Barrett, Miller D, Bartels
1/21/2025 - Authored By Timothy O'Brien
 State Bill Page:   HB1454
HB1457INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. (BARRETT B) Specifies that provisions of law governing the office of administrative law proceedings apply to the Indiana department of health (state department) in matters concerning the involuntary transfer or discharge of a resident of a health facility. Provides that in regulating the licensure of hospitals and ambulatory outpatient surgical centers, the state department may use the most recent version of specified publications for purposes of enforcement. Requires the state department to list the version of each publication being utilized by the state department on its website. Requires the state department to, before utilizing a new version of a publication, publish a notice at least 180 days before the state department may take action using the new version. Amends the list of crimes or acts that preclude a home health aide, nurse aide, or other unlicensed employee from employment at a home health agency and certain health care facilities. Amends the list of crimes that preclude a person from operating a home health agency or personal services agency. Requires the state department to: (1) investigate any report that a nurse aide or home health aide has been convicted of a certain crime; and (2) remove the individual from the state nurse aide registry. Makes it a Class A infraction for a person convicted of a certain crime to knowingly or intentionally apply for a job as a home health aide or other unlicensed employee at a home health agency or certain health care facilities. For provisions concerning the women, infants, and children nutrition program (WIC program), defines "WIC vendor agreement". Requires the state department to: (1) select WIC program vendors based on selection criteria set forth in federal regulations; (2) review the selection criteria annually; (3) include the selection criteria in the WIC state plan; and (4) publish the selection criteria on the state department's website. For purposes of submitting a death record of a stillborn, requires the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) last in attendance to initiate the document process unless the physician, physician assistant, or APRN was not present upon the deceased. Includes reporting to local child fatality review teams, the statewide child fatality review committee, local fetal-infant mortality review teams, and suicide and overdose fatality review teams for the release of mental health records without the consent of the patient. Requires the state department to: (1) approve courses concerning auto-injectable epinephrine that meet criteria established by the state department (rather than courses offered by an approved organization as defined in current law); and (2) publish the criteria on its website. Removes a provision allowing the state department to contract with a third party to create a certificate of completion for a course. Amends the membership of the statewide child fatality review committee.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/11/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/11/2025 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-A
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Public Health
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Brad Barrett
 State Bill Page:   HB1457
HB1472ANNEXATION OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. (STEUERWALD G) Allows the town of Plainfield in Hendricks County to annex: (1) a noncontiguous residential development; and (2) the right-of-way of a public highway connecting the development to the town. Provides that the annexation is initiated by: (1) the homeowner's association board petitioning the town legislative body for annexation of the residential development; and (2) the town legislative body adopting a resolution approving initiation of the annexation process.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 19; Nays: 0
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
2/4/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
2/4/2025 - Recommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
2/4/2025 - House Committee recommends passage Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/4/2025 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-C
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Local Government
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Gregory Steuerwald
 State Bill Page:   HB1472
HB1473POCKET ANNEXATIONS. (STEUERWALD G) Allows a municipality to annex unincorporated property that becomes completely surrounded by the municipality after June 30, 2025. Requires the municipality to: (1) adopt an annexation fiscal plan; (2) provide notice to landowners in the territory; and (3) hold a public hearing. Provides that the following apply in a pocket annexation: (1) The annexation territory may be divided by railroad tracks. (2) The annexation territory satisfies the contiguity requirements, if the territory on at least one side of the railroad tracks is contiguous to the municipality.
 Current Status:   2/10/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Walker K
 All Bill Status:   2/10/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 115: yeas 89, nays 1
2/10/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Jeter
2/10/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Lehman
2/10/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/6/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/6/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
2/4/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/4/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 8; Nays: 1
2/4/2025 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-C
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Local Government
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Gregory Steuerwald
 State Bill Page:   HB1473
HB1553PFAS BIOSOLIDS TESTING. (BAUER M) Prohibits a person from applying biosolids, industrial waste products, or pollutant-bearing waters that contain a concentration of more than 100 parts per billion of one or more PFAS chemicals to land. Provides that a person that applies biosolids, industrial waste products, or pollutant-bearing water to land shall submit samples to the department of environmental management (department) for testing. Requires a person that applies biosolids, industrial waste products, or pollutant-bearing water to land to provide notice of the concentration of PFAS chemicals to all impacted landowners. Requires the department to test biosolids, industrial waste products, and pollutant-bearing water for PFAS chemicals. Requires the department to share data with different state agencies.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Environmental Affairs
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Maureen Bauer
 State Bill Page:   HB1553
HB1557PRESCRIBED BURNING. (BAIRD B) Defines "prescribed burn". Provides for the following: (1) Requirements to be met before a person conducts a prescribed burning. (2) That a certified prescribed burn manager and a completed prescribed burn plan must be present during a prescribed burning. (3) Certain civil liability immunities related to conducting a prescribed burn and the prescribed burn certification program. (4) Under certain conditions, exemption of prescribed burning from certain local regulations. (5) That a prescribed burning and the smoke produced by the prescribed burning do not constitute a nuisance. (6) That the division of forestry shall administer the training and certification program for prescribed burning.
 Current Status:   2/4/2025 - Senate sponsor: Senator Glick
 All Bill Status:   2/4/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 92: yeas 73, nays 15
2/4/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Aylesworth
2/4/2025 - added as coauthors Representatives Karickhoff and Bauer
2/4/2025 - House Bills on Third Reading
2/3/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/3/2025 - Amendment #1 (Boy) failed; voice vote
2/3/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/29/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 10; Nays: 1
1/29/2025 - House Natural Resources, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-C
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Natural Resources
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Beau Baird
 State Bill Page:   HB1557
HB1561TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (CLERE E) Provides that a redevelopment commission may use money from certain funds for the purpose of paying more toward debt service obligations, in order to retire debt service earlier, regardless of whether that use is listed in the redevelopment commission's annual spending plan. Provides that a redevelopment commission making accelerated debt payments may retain the assessed value associated with the original debt service schedule. Provides that early debt retirement applies only if the early defeasance of debt is allowed according to the bond issuance documents. Provides that allocated property tax proceeds that are otherwise authorized to be expended for purposes related to a redevelopment project that is located outside the boundaries of the allocation area may be expended for those purposes only if the redevelopment commission immediately at the conclusion of a public hearing adopts a declaratory resolution, and the applicable legislative body votes to approve the declaratory resolution that finds that it has been clearly demonstrated that the expenditure: (1) will directly benefit the allocation area; or (2) will result in the creation or retention of jobs in the private sector and provide an estimate of how many jobs will be created or retained over a specified time period. Provides that the expenditure allowance does not apply to any transfer of property tax proceeds to a school corporation, an accredited or nonaccredited public or private school, or a charter school. Provides that if: (1) the amount of excess assessed value determined by a commission is expected to generate more than 200% of the amount of allocated tax proceeds necessary to make, when due, principal and interest payments on certain bonds; plus (2) the amount necessary for certain other purposes; the commission shall submit to the legislative body of the unit its determination of the excess assessed value that the commission proposes to use for nondebt, one-time purposes within the calendar year before allocating the balance of the excess assessed value to the respective taxing units. Prohibits a redevelopment commission from adopting an amendment to a declaratory resolution that contains an allocation area provision that extends the expiration date of the allocation area provision. Provides that after the expiration of a previous allocation area provision, a redevelopment commission may adopt a declaratory resolution, or an amendment to a declaratory resolution, that contains a new allocation area provision with a new expiration date, and for which the county auditor in which the unit is located shall compute the base assessed value for the allocation area using the assessment date immediately preceding the effective date of the new allocation provision of the declaratory resolution or amendment. Allows a redevelopment commission to, pursuant to the approval of the local legislative body, create an account for a specific infrastructure purpose.
 Current Status:   2/12/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
 All Bill Status:   1/22/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Dant Chesser
1/21/2025 - Authored By Edward Clere
 State Bill Page:   HB1561
HB1587INSURANCE MATTERS. (CARBAUGH M) Provides that the requirement for a state employee health plan, policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide reimbursement for emergency medical services includes emergency medical services that are performed or provided as part of a mobile integrated healthcare program. Provides that a managed care organization and a provider may agree to change the payment amount for emergency services and medically necessary screening services in the emergency department of a hospital. Provides that the article regarding consumer data protection does not apply to any organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that is established to detect or prevent insurance related crime or fraud. Changes the deadline for the Indiana Public Employers' Plan, Inc. to apply to the insurance commissioner for a certificate of authority to transact business as a domestic tax exempt reciprocal insurance company from before December 31, 2026, to before December 31, 2030. Repeals the statute requiring carriers of health insurance plans to conduct annual public forums. Amends the definition of "small employer" in the chapter regarding small employer group health insurance. Allows a person who has legal custody of a minor to settle or compromise and enter into a settlement agreement with a person against whom the minor has a claim or from whom the minor is to receive proceeds from the sale of real estate if certain conditions are met.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 18; Nays: 0
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
2/4/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/4/2025 - Recommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
2/4/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Barrett
2/4/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 9; Nays: 2
2/4/2025 - House Insurance, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, Rm. 156-B
2/3/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Baird
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Insurance
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
 State Bill Page:   HB1587
HB1589PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER BENEFIT ADVISORY BOARD. (CARBAUGH M) Establishes the public safety officer benefit advisory board (board). Requires the state police department to provide staff support for the board. Requires the board to provide a report to the legislative council and interim study committee on pension management oversight before October 1 of each year.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Martin Carbaugh
 State Bill Page:   HB1589
HB1590EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. (BARRETT B) Specifies that county local income taxes for emergency medical services may be used to pay costs incurred for the provision of emergency medical services by an emergency medical services provider organization (EMSPO). Provides that an employee of an EMSPO who is engaged in emergency medical services is eligible to participate in training funded by the regional public safety training fund. Specifies that an EMSPO may collaborate in the dissemination of information concerning public and private grant opportunities related to improving outcomes for stroke patients. Requires the Indiana emergency medical services commission (commission) to include EMSPOs when seeking funding opportunities for the support of emergency medical services. Authorizes the commission to award mobile integration health care grants to EMSPOs.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Brad Barrett
 State Bill Page:   HB1590
HB1628PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT MATTERS. (SNOW C) Defines a "multi-jurisdictional infrastructure project" as a project that: (1) involves the siting, construction, or deployment of facilities, equipment, or infrastructure used in the generation, transmission, distribution, or storage of electricity, gases or fluids, or water; and (2) will have specified impacts on residents, businesses, or political subdivisions in more than one county in Indiana. Provides that the state is the sole regulator of the following with respect to a multi-jurisdictional infrastructure project, to the extent not preempted by federal law or otherwise under the jurisdiction of a federal agency or authority: (1) The siting and construction of any electric generation facility with a capacity of at least 50 megawatts that generates electricity to be directly or indirectly used for the furnishing of public utility service. (2) The siting, construction, and deployment of all facilities, equipment, and infrastructure used in the transmission, distribution, or storage of electricity, gases or fluids, or water. Provides for the preemption of all other regulation by a political subdivision or a local authority of the siting, construction, or deployment of any facilities, equipment, or infrastructure with respect to a multi-jurisdictional infrastructure project. Prohibits a political subdivision from taking specified actions concerning the siting, construction, or deployment of facilities, equipment, and infrastructure in connection with a multi-jurisdictional infrastructure project. Provides that a person that seeks to locate, construct, or deploy any facilities, equipment, or infrastructure in connection with a multi-jurisdictional infrastructure project is not required to obtain from a local authority a permit, or any other land use or zoning approval, with respect to the siting, construction, or deployment. Requires a unit to use data from: (1) the unit's 100 year flood map; and (2) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlas 14; to calculate and regulate storm water runoff from a developed or undeveloped plat. Requires a plat committee to take action on a plat application, including meeting with all necessary individuals, not later than 30 days after receiving the application. Provides that if a plan commission or plat committee fails to make written findings and a decision granting or denying primary approval to a plat not later than 60 days after a public hearing, then the plat is considered to have received primary approval. Provides the following: (1) Requires an applicant for a permit or approval (applicant) to be given an extension of time if the applicant's failure to meet the application deadline was caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the applicant's control. (2) Provides a deadline in an ordinance for commencing or completing a permitted use is tolled until two years after the conclusion of any litigation regarding the granting of the permit. (3) Establishes a timeline for review of permit applications. (4) Establishes requirements for development agreements. (5) With certain exceptions, requires the ordinances, regulations, and statutes (legal restrictions) in effect at the time a permit is entered into to continue to apply unless the development is not completed within 10 years. (6) With certain exceptions, requires the legal restrictions in effect at the time a development agreement is entered into to apply for the agreement's duration. Repeals a statute requiring the ordinances, regulations, and statutes in effect at the time a zoning permit or approval is issued to govern a development for at least three years. Moves parts of the repealed statute to other locations.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, Rm. 156-A
 All Bill Status:   2/4/2025 - House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:30 AM, Rm. 156-A
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Craig Snow
 State Bill Page:   HB1628
HB1637SCHOOL AND PUBLIC SAFETY MATTERS. (BARTELS S) Provides for the appointment of a fire chief, or the fire chief's designee, to a county school safety commission. Establishes the office of school safety within the department of homeland security (department) for the purpose of coordinating and administering school security and safety resources. Requires a school corporation or charter school to comply with certain safety related requests by the office of school safety. Changes the composition of the secured school safety board. Provides that the secured school fund may be used to provide financial assistance for projects of the office of school safety that are approved by the secured school safety board. Requires a school safety plan to include measures to annually inspect each protective door assembly on school buildings to ensure compliance with standards established by the fire prevention and building safety commission. Authorizes the department to issue enforcement orders in accordance with rules adopted by the board of firefighting personnel standards and education. Removes emergency medical services enforcement authority from the state fire marshal's management authority. Provides that the department, a fire department, or a volunteer fire department may open burn for fire training purposes if certain conditions are met. Makes various changes to provisions relating to the department's enforcement authority pertaining to the administrative adjudication of building fire and safety laws. Requires that a city, town, or county that requires a building permit for the construction of a Class 2 structure to allow the inspection to be conducted by third party inspectors. Amends the definition of "law enforcement officer" to include the state fire marshal and the executive director or fire investigator of the department. Provides that the fire prevention and building safety commission, with certain exceptions, may not adopt a final rule for more than three building codes during any 12 month period. Repeals the provision establishing the department of education's division of school building physical security and safety. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - House Committee recommends passage Yeas: 19; Nays: 0
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 1:30 PM, Rm. 404
2/6/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/6/2025 - Recommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
2/6/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
2/6/2025 - House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-B
1/30/2025 - House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-B
1/27/2025 - added as coauthors Representatives Davis, Commons M, Criswell
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Steve Bartels
 State Bill Page:   HB1637
HB1641COUNTY GOVERNMENT MATTERS. (MELTZER J) Allows an executive session to be held to: (1) review, receive, and discuss the terms and conditions of a proposed contract; and (2) communicate with an attorney, subject to the attorney client privilege. Excludes conveyances to a unit from the definition of a "conveyance document". Amends requirements for local ordinances concerning the operation of a golf cart or an off-road vehicle. Provides that if a body is to be transported by common carrier, the person in charge of interment shall secure a burial transit permit in duplicate from certain individuals. Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may enter into a public-private agreement for the construction or renovation of school buildings under the statutes governing public-private agreements. Prohibits a county employee from taking action on a county contract, unless permitted by a county ordinance. Adds language excluding certain property from the definition of "residential property" for an allocation area established after June 30, 2025. Provides that, after June 30, 2025, no action shall be brought with respect to jail or prison conditions under state law by an offender until such administrative remedies as are available are exhausted.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - House Bills on Second Reading
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/11/2025 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
2/11/2025 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 156-C
1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Zimmerman
1/21/2025 - Referred to House Local Government
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Jennifer Meltzer
 State Bill Page:   HB1641
HB1651ELIMINATION OF STATE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX. (PAYNE Z) Eliminates the state individual adjusted gross income tax by reducing the rate to 0%. Provides that in calculating the local income tax (LIT), which is imposed based on a local taxpayer's state adjusted gross income, the calculation of a taxpayer's state adjusted gross income for LIT purposes shall be calculated under the adjusted gross income tax provisions as if those provisions, and the most recent adjusted gross income tax rate before its elimination, were still in effect.
 Current Status:   1/27/2025 - added as coauthor Representative Sweet
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Zach Payne
 State Bill Page:   HB1651
HB1658RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT. (CLERE E) Eliminates elections for the office of county assessor and township assessor after 2026 and phases out the offices of county assessor and township assessor as the terms of those elected to the offices expire. Transfers the duties of the assessor to the county auditor at the expiration of each assessor's term. Requires the department of local government finance (DLGF) to develop an automated valuation model system (AVM system) to be used by the DLGF to annually run all qualifying residential property through the AVM system and provide the values determined to the county auditor. Requires county auditors to use the values to determine the fair market value of qualified residential property. Defines "qualified residential property". Specifies the elements and functionality that must be included in the AVM system. Requires the DLGF to start running all qualifying residential property through an AVM system beginning with the first assessment date that an AVM system is operational for use, but not later than the 2031 assessment date. Eliminates qualified residential property from cyclical reassessments and annual adjustments (or "trending") and ratio studies. Allows taxpayers to elect to receive notices of assessment (Form 11) by electronic mail. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   1/29/2025 - House Ways and Means, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 2:00 PM, Rm. 404
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Ways and Means
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Edward Clere
 State Bill Page:   HB1658
HB1686EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. (O'BRIEN T) Provides that, on or before August 1, 2025, each county executive shall adopt an emergency medical service plan for the county. Requires the county, on or before August 15, 2025, to submit its plan to the department of homeland security (department). Provides that, on or before November 1, 2025, the department shall compile the medical service plans and submit a report to legislative council.
 Current Status:   1/21/2025 - Coauthored by Representative Miller D
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
1/21/2025 - First Reading
1/21/2025 - Authored By Timothy O'Brien
 State Bill Page:   HB1686
SB1PROPERTY TAX RELIEF. (HOLDMAN T) Adds provisions to authorize a county fiscal body to adopt an ordinance to establish a property tax payment deferral program (program). Provides that a qualified individual participating in the program may defer the payment of part of the property taxes that would otherwise be due on a homestead. Defines "qualified individual". Provides that property taxes deferred under the program are due after the occurrence of a deferral termination event. Provides that the maximum amount of taxes that may be deferred cumulatively year over year may not exceed $10,000. Amends a capitalization rate percentage under the statewide agricultural land base rate determination. Amends the percentage cap used to determine the maximum levy growth quotient (MLGQ) to equal: (1) 0% in 2026; (2) 1% in 2027; and (3) 2% in 2028. Beginning with property taxes first due and payable in 2029, amends the calculation of the MLGQ to provide a new methodology. Specifies that the MLGQ calculation is determined for the county and each civil taxing unit within the county based on specified criteria. Provides the calculation of the MLGQ for civil taxing units with territory in more than one county. Makes certain changes to the qualification requirements and credit amount for the over 65 circuit breaker credit and the property tax deduction for persons 65 years of age or older. Makes certain changes to the qualification requirements and deduction amount for the property tax deduction for disabled veterans who are either totally disabled or at least 62 years of age with a partial disability. Establishes a property tax credit for an individual who is a first time home buyer for the first five consecutive calender years in which the individual has property tax liability for the individual's homestead. Specifies the amount of the credit. Provides qualification requirements for the credit based on the individual's annual income and the homestead's assessed value. Provides that specified referendums may be placed on the ballot only at a general election. Amends the ballot language for controlled project, school operating, and school public safety referendums. Provides that a school corporation may not adopt a resolution to place a controlled project referendum on the ballot during the second calendar year after the final calendar year in which a previously approved controlled project referendum levy is imposed. Places restrictions on the issuance of certain general obligation bonds. Provides that, notwithstanding any growth in a political subdivision's assessed value in the previous year, a political subdivision's ad valorem property tax levy shall not exceed the ad valorem property tax levy for its last preceding annual budget, unless the fiscal body of the political subdivision adopts an affirmative tax rate and tax levy increase by ordinance following a separate public hearing. Requires a resulting decrease in tax rates for each political subdivision in which there was an increase in the political subdivision's assessed value in the previous year, subject to any affirmative tax rate and tax levy increase adopted by the fiscal body of the political subdivision. Phases out the authority for the department of local government finance to permit an excess tax levy that is based on assessed value growth, related to a revenue shortfall, school transportation costs, and other circumstances. Retains the provisions that permit an excess tax levy if the civil taxing unit cannot carry out its governmental functions and in the case of annexation. Creates a new referendum for all political subdivisions (but places additional restrictions on a school corporation's ability to use the referendum) to use to place a referendum on the ballot to impose a referendum tax levy for one year. Sets forth the procedures for holding the referendum. Specifies that a referendum using the procedure may be placed only on the ballot for a general election. Specifies the permissible uses of money collected from the referendum levy. Requires the department of local government finance to develop and maintain a property tax transparency portal through which taxpayers may: (1) compare the property tax liability in their current tax statement compared to their potential property tax liability based on changes under a proposed tax rate; and (2) provide taxpayer feedback to the department.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 10; Nays: 3
2/11/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:00 AM, Rm. 431
2/4/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/30/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Gaskill, Rogers, Buchanan, Johnson T
1/30/2025 - added as third author Senator Baldwin
1/30/2025 - added as second author Senator Garten
1/14/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/14/2025 - First Reading
1/14/2025 - Authored By Travis Holdman
 State Bill Page:   SB1
SB6PROPERTY TAX DEFERRAL PROGRAM. (ROGERS L) Authorizes a county fiscal body to adopt an ordinance to establish a property tax payment deferral program (program). Provides that a qualified individual participating in the program may defer the payment of part of the property taxes that would otherwise be due on a homestead. Defines "qualified individual". Provides that property taxes deferred under the program are due after the occurrence of a deferral termination event. Provides that the maximum amount of taxes that may be deferred cumulatively year over year may not exceed $10,000.
 Current Status:   2/4/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
 All Bill Status:   1/28/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 431
1/21/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Walker K
1/14/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/14/2025 - First Reading
1/14/2025 - Coauthored by Senator Gaskill
1/14/2025 - Authored By Linda Rogers
 State Bill Page:   SB6
SB8SCHOOL LEVY REFERENDA. (BUCHANAN B) Provides that: (1) a referendum authorizing a school corporation to impose property taxes to pay debt service on bonds or lease rentals on a lease for a specified controlled project; (2) a school corporation operating referendum tax levy; or (3) a school corporation school safety referendum tax levy; may be placed on the ballot only at a primary election conducted in a general election year or a general election. Provides that a school corporation may not adopt a resolution to place an operating referendum or school safety referendum on the ballot during the second calendar year after the final calendar year in which a previously approved operating referendum levy or school safety referendum levy is imposed. Provides that in a local public question, a school corporation must provide the total amount of property tax revenue expected to be collected each year.
 Current Status:   1/28/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   1/14/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/14/2025 - First Reading
1/14/2025 - Authored By Brian Buchanan
 State Bill Page:   SB8
SB9MAXIMUM LEVY GROWTH QUOTIENT. (BALDWIN S) Amends, beginning with property taxes first due and payable in 2027, the calculation to determine the maximum levy growth quotient (MLGQ) used in determining a civil taxing unit's maximum permissible ad valorem property tax levy and specifies that the MLGQ calculation is determined for the county and each civil taxing unit within the county. Provides, beginning with property taxes first due and payable in 2027, that the term "civil taxing unit" includes a school corporation. (Under current law, a school corporation: (1) is excluded from the definition of a "civil taxing unit"; and (2) has a separate MLGQ calculation.) Beginning with property taxes first due and payable in 2027, requires the budget agency to: (1) provide the MLGQ for each county to civil taxing units and the department of local government finance; and (2) calculate, using each county's MLGQ, the statewide minimum, statewide maximum, statewide median, and statewide average. Provides, beginning with property taxes first due and payable in 2027, for the calculation of the MLGQ for civil taxing units with territory in more than one county.
 Current Status:   1/28/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   1/16/2025 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/14/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/14/2025 - First Reading
1/14/2025 - Authored By Scott Baldwin
 State Bill Page:   SB9
SB26RADIO FREQUENCY JAMMING DEVICES. (TOMES J) Provides that a radio frequency jamming device may be seized. Provides that, unless authorized by federal law, a person who knowingly or intentionally operates, uses, manufactures, buys, sells, or provides to another person a radio frequency jamming device commits unlawful radio frequency jamming, a Level 6 felony. Provides sentence enhancements.
 Current Status:   1/27/2025 - Referred to House
 All Bill Status:   1/23/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Buck
1/23/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2025 - House sponsor: Representative Ledbetter
1/23/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 14: yeas 49, nays 0
1/23/2025 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/21/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Doriot
1/21/2025 - Amendment #1 (Young M) prevailed; voice vote
1/21/2025 - Amendment #2 (Freeman) prevailed; voice vote
1/21/2025 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
1/17/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/16/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/14/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/14/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage Yeas: 6; Nays: 2
1/14/2025 - Senate Corrections and Criminal Law, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 130
1/13/2025 - added as third author Senator Byrne
1/13/2025 - added as second author Senator Freeman
1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Corrections and Criminal Law
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By James Tomes
 State Bill Page:   SB26
SB67SECURED SCHOOL SAFETY GRANTS. (JACKSON L) Allows school corporations, charter schools, and accredited nonpublic schools to apply for a matching grant from the secured school fund to be used to provide funding for school employees to receive youth violence early intervention training or programming.
 Current Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By La Keisha Jackson
 State Bill Page:   SB67
SB68PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION FOR PERSONS AGE 65 AND OLDER. (JACKSON L) Provides an assessed value deduction for individuals who are at least 65 years of age, who reside in their home and have owned their home for at least 5 years, and meet certain other specified criteria. Provides that the deduction amount is equal to $120,000.
 Current Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By La Keisha Jackson
 State Bill Page:   SB68
SB104RESIDENTIAL TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (NIEMEYER R) Provides, in the case of an allocation provision adopted after June 30, 2025, for a residential housing development program, that the redevelopment commission (commission) shall annually transfer at least 5% of the aggregate allocated tax proceeds from the allocation area to the unit that established the commission. Specifies that the unit must use the revenue for police and fire services that serve the allocation area.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - Referred to House
 All Bill Status:   2/10/2025 - Cosponsors: Representatives Olthoff and Aylesworth
2/10/2025 - House sponsor: Representative Slager
2/10/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 83: yeas 46, nays 3
2/10/2025 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/6/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/6/2025 - Amendment #2 (Niemeyer) prevailed; voice vote
2/6/2025 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
2/6/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/4/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/3/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/28/2025 - added as third author Senator Bohacek
1/28/2025 - added as second author Senator Dernulc
1/28/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/28/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/28/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 431
1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
 State Bill Page:   SB104
SB106RIGHTS OF PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS. (BYRNE G) Permits a public safety officer to bring a claim against a police department or fire department for a violation of the rights of public safety officers.
 Current Status:   1/30/2025 - added as second author Senator Baldwin
 All Bill Status:   1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Gary Byrne
 State Bill Page:   SB106
SB124FIREFIGHTING APPARATUS LIGHTS. (YOUNG M) Allows a firefighting apparatus owned or operated by a political subdivision or volunteer fire department to be equipped with signal lamps that are capable of displaying flashing, rotating, or oscillating beams of red and blue lights. (Current law allows a firefighting apparatus to display red or red and white lights.)
 Current Status:   1/28/2025 - removed as second author Senator Tomes
 All Bill Status:   1/21/2025 - added as third author Senator Bohacek
1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Homeland Security and Transportation
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By Michael Young
 State Bill Page:   SB124
SB126ANNEXATION. (BUCK J) With certain exceptions, requires a municipality that initiates an annexation to file with the court an annexation petition approved by the signatures of: (1) at least 51% of the owners of non-tax exempt land in the annexation territory; or (2) the owners of at least 75% in assessed valuation of non-tax exempt land in the annexation territory. Requires the court to hold a hearing if the petition has enough signatures. Adds provisions for determining the validity of signatures. Eliminates the following: (1) Remonstrances and remonstrance waivers. (2) Reimbursement of remonstrator's attorney's fees and costs. (3) Adoption of a fiscal plan for voluntary annexations requested by 100% of landowners in the annexation territory. (4) Settlement agreements in lieu of annexation. (5) Provisions regarding contiguity of a public highway.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - Referred to House
 All Bill Status:   2/10/2025 - Cosponsor: Representative Miller D
2/10/2025 - House sponsor: Representative Hall
2/10/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 85: yeas 40, nays 9
2/10/2025 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/6/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/6/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/6/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/3/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/30/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Tomes and Dernulc
1/30/2025 - added as third author Senator Niemeyer
1/30/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
1/30/2025 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/8/2025 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/8/2025 - First Reading
1/8/2025 - Authored By James Buck
 State Bill Page:   SB126
SB250PENSION MATTERS. (BUCHANAN B) Modifies the definition of "average of the annual compensation" for a member of the public employees' retirement fund (PERF) who retires after December 31, 2026. Specifies that compensation received in contemplation of retirement is excluded from the average of the annual compensation for particular members of PERF and the Indiana state teachers' retirement fund (TRF). Provides that a specified monthly pension benefit provided to a member of PERF whose creditable service was earned only as an elected official may not be less than $180. Repeals a provision requiring the board of trustees of the Indiana public retirement system (board) to maintain separate accounts for each unit of local government. Provides that amounts forfeited under the public employees defined contribution plan must be used as determined by the board. (Current law requires these amounts to be used to reduce the unfunded accrued liability of PERF.) Specifies a process by which a fully vested member of the public employees' defined contribution plan or the teachers' defined contribution plan may irrevocably elect to participate in PERF or TRF, as applicable. Modifies the information that must be included in a delinquency notice to a delinquent political subdivision. Makes conforming amendments. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the interim study committee on pension management oversight.)
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   1/29/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/29/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/29/2025 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Brian Buchanan
 State Bill Page:   SB250
SB290LOCAL TAXES IN CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES. (WALKER K) Requires the department of local government finance to increase the maximum permissible property tax levy for certain qualifying municipalities for property taxes first due and payable in 2025 to include all debt service levies of the qualifying municipality for property taxes first due and payable in 2025. Specifies that the adjustment is a one time and permanent increase. Changes the local income tax trust account threshold percentage of a county that contains a qualifying municipality, which is used for purposes of determining whether the county shall receive a supplemental distribution. Modifies the certified share allocation determination for a qualifying municipality. Prohibits the use of funds from the state general fund to make up certain local income tax related shortfalls.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/11/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
2/11/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Kyle Walker
 State Bill Page:   SB290
SB315MAXIMUM LEVY GROWTH QUOTIENT CAP. (BALDWIN S) Extends the calculation used to determine the maximum levy growth quotient added by HEA 1499-2023 to 2026.
 Current Status:   1/28/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - added as second author Senator Holdman
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Scott Baldwin
 State Bill Page:   SB315
SB336PROPERTY TAX REVENUE SHARED WITH CHARTER SCHOOLS. (SPENCER M) Removes and repeals provisions that require school corporations located in certain counties to share operations fund property tax levy, operating referendum tax levy, and school safety referendum tax levy funds with charter schools. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Education and Career Development
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Mark Spencer
 State Bill Page:   SB336
SB340MAXIMUM INCREASE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX BILL. (YOUNG M) Caps the year over year increase of property tax liability on a homestead at 2%.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Michael Young
 State Bill Page:   SB340
SB345PROPERTY TAX MATTERS. (ROGERS L) Amends the property tax exemption for property used by a for-profit provider of early childhood education, including by requiring the provider to offer age appropriate curriculum and by excluding from the exemption tangible property that has been granted a homestead standard deduction. Provides a partial property tax exemption for an employer that provides child care on the employer's property for the employer's employees, and for the employees of another business if the employer and the other business enter into an agreement that outlines the terms under which the child care is to be provided. Specifies the conditions that must be met to obtain the partial property tax exemption. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services, in consultation with the early learning advisory committee, to: (1) evaluate and make recommendations; and (2) submit a report; regarding child care. Amends the maximum levy growth quotient to base the six year average calculation on the yearly wage growth for state and local government employees in Indiana and the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index. Requires the true tax value of a privately owned wastewater facility to be determined by applying the income capitalization approach. Provides that, if the application of the income capitalization method for an assessment year results in a zero or negative assessment, the privately owned wastewater facility is exempt from property taxation for that assessment year. Requires assessing officials in an assessment of residential deed restricted property to only use or consider sales of other residential deed restricted property as a comparable sale property for purposes of a sales comparison analysis.
 Current Status:   2/4/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Linda Rogers
 State Bill Page:   SB345
SB350AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR REQUIREMENTS. (ROGERS L) Provides that certain funding provided to a local board of health may be used to provide automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to school corporations, charter schools, and state accredited nonpublic schools. Revises the definition of "venue specific emergency action plan for sudden cardiac arrest" (plan) and revises the requirements of a plan. Requires the department of education to develop a plan for certain schools and provide support for the plan, if requested by the school. Requires the department of education to conduct a statewide survey of school corporations, charter schools, and state accredited nonpublic schools concerning: (1) plans developed prior to July 1, 2025; and (2) AEDs.
 Current Status:   2/6/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Doriot, Alting, Yoder, Qaddoura, Jackson, Becker
 All Bill Status:   2/6/2025 - added as third author Senator Charbonneau
2/6/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Bohacek
2/6/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
2/5/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/5/2025 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/29/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Ford J.D
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Linda Rogers
 State Bill Page:   SB350
SB352LOCAL GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY TASK FORCE. (GASKILL M) Establishes the local government efficiency task force (task force) to study creating a more streamlined and cost effective local government structure. Sets forth the membership, and requires the task force to issue a report to the general assembly and the governor not later than November 1, 2026.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Local Government
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Mike Gaskill
 State Bill Page:   SB352
SB353PROPERTY TAX RATE FREEZE. (GASKILL M) Provides a calculation to be used in determining the maximum permissible ad valorem property tax levy and resulting tax rate for taxes first due and payable in 2026 and 2027, to cap the increase in the levy and tax rates based on a ratio comparison of each civil taxing unit's maximum permissible ad valorem property tax levy to net assessed value in 2025.
 Current Status:   1/30/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Rogers
 All Bill Status:   1/30/2025 - added as third author Senator Baldwin
1/30/2025 - added as second author Senator Buchanan
1/14/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/14/2025 - First Reading
1/14/2025 - Authored By Mike Gaskill
 State Bill Page:   SB353
SB362THIRTEENTH CHECK. (NIEZGODSKI D) Provides for a thirteenth check for certain members, participants, or beneficiaries of the: (1) Indiana state teachers' retirement fund; (2) Indiana public employees' retirement fund; (3) state excise police, gaming agent, gaming control officer, and conservation enforcement officers' retirement plan; (4) state police pre-1987 benefit system; and (5) state police 1987 benefit system. Provides for a $50 payment to members of the Indiana state teachers' retirement fund and Indiana public employees' retirement fund, and to participants of the state excise police, gaming agent, gaming control officer, and conservation enforcement officers' retirement plan.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By David Niezgodski
 State Bill Page:   SB362
SB368HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FOR PERSONS AT LEAST AGE 65. (YOUNG M) Eliminates property taxes on primary residences for those who are at least 65 years of age (qualified homesteads) beginning with the assessment date on January 1 of the year that immediately succeeds the year in which the balance in the pension stabilization fund is sufficient to pay the liabilities of the pre-1996 account without the need for further appropriation by the general assembly. Requires the Indiana public retirement system to determine whether the balance of the pension stabilization fund is sufficient to pay the liabilities of the pre-1996 account without the need for an appropriation by the general assembly and certify the determination to the budget committee on or before March 1, 2026, and on or before March 1 of each odd-numbered year thereafter. Provides an annual state distribution to offset the property tax elimination for qualified homesteads based on the amount of property taxes that otherwise would be due on the qualified homesteads. Makes an ongoing appropriation.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Michael Young
 State Bill Page:   SB368
SB3881977 FUND BENEFITS. (ROGERS L) Increases the basic monthly pension benefit payable to a member of the 1977 police officers' and firefighters' pension and disability fund who retires after June 30, 2025, with 20 years of service. Increases the contribution rate of fund members.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   2/3/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Pol
2/3/2025 - added as third author Senator Niezgodski
1/29/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Donato
1/29/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/29/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/29/2025 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/27/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Goode
1/15/2025 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Linda Rogers
 State Bill Page:   SB388
SB389ANNEXATION OF FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TERRITORY. (BUCK J) Provides the following with regard to certain annexations that include property within a fire protection district (district) for which the annexation ordinance was adopted on October 7, 2024, the annexed territory does not exceed 50 acres, and the annexed territory consists of vacant land and not more than one (1) residential property: (1) The annexation is effective at least 30 days after the annexation ordinance is adopted, published, and filed with state and county officials. (Under current law, with certain exceptions, an annexation of property within a district takes effect the second January 1 after the ordinance is adopted and filed with state and county officials.) (2) Exempts the municipality from provisions requiring the municipality to: (A) commence fire protection service to the annexed territory on the ordinance's effective date; and (B) notify the district within 10 days of commencing fire protection service to the annexed territory.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
2/11/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/30/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/30/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/30/2025 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/23/2025 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/13/2025 - added as second author Senator Garten
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By James Buck
 State Bill Page:   SB389
SB394VARIOUS TAX AND FISCAL MATTERS. (QADDOURA F) Provides a maximum property tax liability credit for certain homestead owners based on the owner's age and annual income. Specifies the amount of the credit. Makes certain changes to the deduction amounts and qualification requirements for the disabled veteran deductions. Provides a 100% property tax exemption for permanently disabled veterans. Increases the amount of certain personal exemptions from $1,000 to $3,500 for individual taxpayers who satisfy certain income criteria. Provides an additional adjusted gross income tax deduction of $5,000 for educators in elementary or secondary education, police officers, firefighters, and veterans. Provides an adjusted gross income tax deduction for taxpayers who install solar energy panels on the taxpayer's homestead equal to the cost of the labor and materials for the installation of the solar energy panels. Repeals the renter's deduction and instead provides a refundable income tax credit for renters. Provides that the amount of the credit is $6,000, or $7,500 in the case of a disabled veteran. Provides a refundable income tax mortgage credit for first time home buyers. Provides that the amount of the credit is $15,000, which may be claimed for five consecutive taxable years. Provides an adjusted gross income tax deduction for the first $16,000 of retirement income received by an individual who is at least 62 years of age. Defines "retirement income". Provides a sales tax exemption for utility services, including water, natural gas, and electricity. Provides a sales and use tax exemption period during the last week of January and the last week of August each year for school supplies, backpacks, clothing, or computers, if the item is purchased for use by: (A) a student in a public or private elementary or secondary school; or (B) a student attending a postsecondary school; in Indiana. Appropriates $140,000,000 for the biennium to the department of education to be used as supplemental funding for the federal Child Care and Development Fund voucher program. Increases the maximum amount of the income tax credit for an individual employed as a teacher for amounts expended for classroom supplies from $100 to $1,000 per taxable year. Increases the cigarette tax by $1 per pack. Increases the river boat wagering tax, and increases the supplemental wagering tax, slot machine wagering tax, and sports wagering tax and deposits the revenue from the increases in the state general fund. Increases the beer excise tax, liquor excise tax, wine excise tax, and hard cider excise tax and deposits the revenue from the increases in the state general fund.
 Current Status:   2/4/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Fady Qaddoura
 State Bill Page:   SB394
SB400MEDICAL MARIJUANA. (TAYLOR G) Establishes a medical marijuana program (program), and permits caregivers and patients who have received a physician recommendation to possess a certain quantity of marijuana for treatment of certain medical conditions. Establishes a regulatory agency to oversee the program, and creates the regulatory agency advisory committee to review the effectiveness of the program and to consider recommendations from the regulatory agency. Authorizes the regulatory agency to grant research licenses to research facilities with a physical presence in Indiana. Repeals the controlled substance excise tax and the marijuana eradication program. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Greg Taylor
 State Bill Page:   SB400
SB406LOCAL GOVERNMENT PENSIONS. (POL R) Increases the 1977 police officers' and firefighters' pension and disability fund's maximum annual cost of living adjustment from 3% to 5%.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Appropriations
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Rodney Pol
 State Bill Page:   SB406
SB417INSPECTOR GENERAL GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY REPORT. (CARRASCO C) Requires the inspector general to annually do the following: (1) Beginning in 2026, prepare a current list of all boards, committees, and commissions of the executive, including administrative branch (commissions), and send the list to the legislative council. (2) Beginning in 2027, conduct efficiency reviews of at least 25% of the active commissions and report the review results to the legislative council.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Cyndi Carrasco
 State Bill Page:   SB417
SB418SPECIAL DEATH BENEFIT FOR OIG INVESTIGATORS. (CARRASCO C) Adds an investigator for the inspector general to the list of public safety officers whose relative receives a special death benefit if the officer dies in the line of duty.
 Current Status:   1/23/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Dernulc and Doriot
 All Bill Status:   1/23/2025 - added as second author Senator Gaskill
1/23/2025 - Committee Report do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/22/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage Yeas: 10; Nays: 0
1/22/2025 - Senate Pensions and Labor, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Cyndi Carrasco
 State Bill Page:   SB418
SB425ENERGY PRODUCTION ZONES. (KOCH E) Provides that a project owner is not required to apply for or receive a permit, or any other land use or zoning approval, from a local governmental agency for the construction of an electric generation facility if: (1) the Indiana utility regulatory commission (commission): (A) grants the project owner a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) for the construction; or (B) declines jurisdiction over the construction; (2) the electric generation facility will be located on a premise of land on which there is located: (A) an existing electric generation facility with a generating capacity of at least 80 megawatts, regardless of whether the electric generation facility is operational; or (B) a former surface or underground mine; and (3) the project owner complies with specified notice and hearing requirements.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 130
 All Bill Status:   1/30/2025 - Senate Utilities, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 130
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Utilities
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Eric Koch
 State Bill Page:   SB425
SB439TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (BOHACEK M) Provides that if a proposed redevelopment project area is not taxable at the time the allocation area is being established, any property taxes that would have been paid on undeveloped land shall be included in the base assessed value for purposes of determining property tax levy distributions to the appropriate local units.
 Current Status:   1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
 All Bill Status:   1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Mike Bohacek
 State Bill Page:   SB439
SB443BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. (FREEMAN A) Increases the acquisition cost threshold for the business personal property tax exemption from $80,000 to $100,000.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Amendment #8 (Freeman) prevailed; voice vote
2/11/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/10/2025 - removed as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/10/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/6/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/4/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/3/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/3/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/30/2025 - added as third author Senator Tomes
1/30/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/28/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Gaskill
1/28/2025 - Committee Report do pass, adopted
1/28/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage Yeas: 8; Nays: 2
1/28/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:30 AM, Rm. 431
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Aaron Freeman
 State Bill Page:   SB443
SB451INCOME TAX RATE. (HOLDMAN T) Provides for a decrease in the individual adjusted gross income tax rate beginning in 2030 depending on certain conditions being met.
 Current Status:   1/29/2025 - Referred to House
 All Bill Status:   1/28/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Buchanan
1/28/2025 - Cosponsors: Representatives Snow and Lehman
1/28/2025 - House sponsor: Representative Thompson
1/28/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 33: yeas 49, nays 0
1/28/2025 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/27/2025 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
1/23/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
1/23/2025 - added as second author Senator Baldwin
1/23/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Rogers, Johnson T, Gaskill, Walker K, Garten
1/23/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
1/23/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
1/21/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
1/21/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 13; Nays: 0
1/21/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Travis Holdman
 State Bill Page:   SB451
SB459ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS. (NIEMEYER R) Provides that the environmental rules board may adopt rules establishing requirements for the reclamation and reuse of treated wastewater. Requires certain entities to: (1) conduct an annual public water system cybersecurity vulnerability assessment; (2) annually provide the office of technology with the name and contact information of any individual who will act as the primary reporter of a cybersecurity incident; (3) submit an annual certification to the department of environmental management via a secured portal verifying certain information; and (4) when an actual or suspected cybersecurity breach occurs, report the incident to the office of technology.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - House sponsor: Representative Baird
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 111: yeas 48, nays 0
2/11/2025 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/10/2025 - Senate Bills on Third Reading
2/6/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
2/6/2025 - Second reading ordered engrossed
2/6/2025 - Senate Bills on Second Reading
2/4/2025 - added as third author Senator Zay
2/4/2025 - added as second author Senator Busch
2/4/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/3/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 9; Nays: 0
2/3/2025 - Senate Environmental Affairs, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Environmental Affairs
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Rick Niemeyer
 State Bill Page:   SB459
SB472CYBERSECURITY. (BROWN L) Requires political subdivisions, state agencies, school corporations, and state educational institutions (public entities), with the exception of specified categories of hospitals, to adopt not later than December 31, 2025, a: (1) technology resources policy; and (2) cybersecurity policy; that meet specified requirements. Requires the office of technology (office) to develop: (1) standards and guidelines regarding cybersecurity for use by political subdivisions and state educational institutions; and (2) a uniform cybersecurity policy for use by state agencies. Requires the office to develop, in collaboration with the department of education: (1) a uniform technology resources policy governing use of technology resources by the employees of school corporations; and (2) a uniform cybersecurity policy for use by school corporations. Requires: (1) a public entity to biennially submit to the office the cybersecurity policy adopted by the public entity; and (2) the office to establish a procedure for collecting and maintaining a record of submitted cybersecurity policies. Establishes: (1) the cybersecurity insurance program (program) for the purpose of providing coverage to a participating government entity for losses incurred by the government entity as a result of a cybersecurity incident; and (2) the cybersecurity insurance board (board) to administer the program. Provides that coverage for losses incurred by a participating government entity as a result of a cybersecurity incident are paid under the program from premiums paid into a trust fund by participating government entities. Provides that the board shall contract with cybersecurity professionals who can be dispatched by the board to assist a participating government entity in the event of a cybersecurity incident. Provides that fines recovered by the attorney general for any of the following violations are deposited in the trust fund: (1) Failure of an adult oriented website to implement or properly use a reasonable age verification method. (2) Failure of a data base owner to safeguard personal information of Indiana residents. (3) Failure of a data base owner to disclose or provide notice of a security breach. (4) Violation of consumer data protection law. Makes an appropriation.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   1/23/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/23/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 0
1/23/2025 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 130
1/16/2025 - added as second author Senator Buchanan
1/13/2025 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/13/2025 - First Reading
1/13/2025 - Authored By Liz Brown
 State Bill Page:   SB472
SB478CRAFT HEMP FLOWER PRODUCTS. (HOLDMAN T) Establishes certain regulatory testing and packaging requirements for the distribution and sale of craft hemp flower products and specifies penalties applicable to the unlawful possession or distribution of craft hemp flower products. Prohibits the possession of craft hemp flower unless it is being used by a licensee to manufacture a legal hemp product, including a craft hemp flower product. Provides that a food is not considered adulterated for containing low THC hemp extract or craft hemp flower. Provides that craft hemp flower product is not included in the definition of "controlled substance analog", "hashish", "low THC hemp extract", or "marijuana". Prohibits the sale of low THC hemp extract to a person less than 21 years of age, if it contains certain elements. Adds craft hemp flower products to a statute imposing an infraction that applies with regard to persons less than 21 years of age involving the sale, distribution, purchase, and possession of craft hemp flower product. Establishes a regulatory framework for craft hemp, including the regulation of advertising. Provides that certain retailers may not sell craft hemp flower products if the retailer is located near a school. Provides that e-liquid does not include low THC hemp extract for purposes of the vapor pens and e-liquid article. Defines terms. Makes conforming changes. Makes technical corrections.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Randolph
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
2/11/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
2/11/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:00 AM, Rm. 431
2/10/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Alting
2/6/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Doriot
2/6/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Donato, Hunley, Ford J.D
2/6/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Clark
2/6/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
2/6/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 8; Nays: 2
2/6/2025 - Senate Commerce and Technology, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 130
2/4/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Pol
2/3/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Walker K
2/3/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Bassler
1/23/2025 - added as coauthor Senator Baldwin
1/23/2025 - added as second author Senator Garten
1/16/2025 - Referred to Senate Commerce and Technology
1/16/2025 - First Reading
1/16/2025 - Authored By Travis Holdman
 State Bill Page:   SB478
SB491ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY FOR AN INDUSTRIAL PARK. (GASKILL M) Allows a municipality in Madison County to annex noncontiguous property for use as an industrial park.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - Senate Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 10:00 AM, Rm. 233
 All Bill Status:   1/14/2025 - Referred to Senate Local Government
1/14/2025 - First Reading
1/14/2025 - Authored By Mike Gaskill
 State Bill Page:   SB491
SB492RESTRICTED ADDRESS PROGRAM. (CRIDER M) Adds: (1) public safety telecommunicators; and (2) 911 emergency call dispatch center administrators; to the persons who may restrict access to their home address on a local government's public property data base website.
 Current Status:   1/14/2025 - Referred to Senate Judiciary
 All Bill Status:   1/14/2025 - First Reading
1/14/2025 - Authored By Michael Crider
 State Bill Page:   SB492
SB505EMERGENCY TRANSPORT TO APPROPRIATE FACILITY. (DEERY S) Allows an emergency medical responder, an emergency medical technician, an advanced emergency medical technician, or a paramedic (emergency medical services personnel) to transport an individual to: (1) a health care facility; (2) a mental health facility; or (3) an urgent care facility; that can provide the individual with appropriate and necessary treatment. Provides that the emergency medical services personnel may be reimbursed for transporting the individual to the facility.
 Current Status:   2/13/2025 - Senate Appropriations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
 All Bill Status:   2/3/2025 - added as coauthors Senators Crider, Ford J.D., Jackson L
1/30/2025 - added as third author Senator Johnson T
1/30/2025 - added as second author Senator Charbonneau
1/29/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
1/29/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0
1/29/2025 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 9:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/16/2025 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services
1/16/2025 - First Reading
1/16/2025 - Authored By Spencer Deery
 State Bill Page:   SB505
SB508PROPERTY TAX STREAMLINE. (ALEXANDER S) Abolishes the offices of county assessor and township assessor, effective July 1, 2025. Transfers the duties of the assessor to the county auditor. Requires the department of local government finance (DLGF) to develop an automated valuation model system (AVM system) to be used by the DLGF to conduct the assessment of all tangible property statewide, except for agricultural land. Requires the DLGF to conduct all assessments for tangible property, excluding agricultural land, using the AVM system beginning with the first assessment date that an AVM system is operational for use, but not later than 2036. Eliminates the payment of property taxes in arrears beginning with the first assessment date for which the AVM system is applied. Requires the DLGF to present a plan of implementation for an AVM system to the interim study committee on fiscal policy before November 1, 2025, and present an update on the AVM system before November 1 in subsequent years until the AVM system is operational for use. Except for agricultural land, provides that tangible property shall not be subject to assessment beginning with assessments in 2026 through the first assessment date for which the AVM system is applied. Freezes the assessed value of all taxable property, except agricultural land, during this time period at the assessed value determined for the property for the 2025 assessment date. Caps the property tax liability for all taxable property for taxes first due and payable in 2027 through the first date that taxes are first due and payable based on assessments under the AVM system to not more than: (1) for taxes first due and payable in 2027, the property tax liability imposed on the taxpayer's property for taxes first due and payable in 2021; and (2) for taxes first due and payable in 2028 and thereafter, the property tax liability for the calendar year not to exceed a 3% increase from the taxpayer's property tax liability from the previous year. Requires the legislative services agency to prepare legislation for introduction in the 2026 regular session of the general assembly to make appropriate required changes in statutes. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   1/16/2025 - added as second author Senator Johnson T
 All Bill Status:   1/16/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/16/2025 - First Reading
1/16/2025 - Authored By Scott Alexander
 State Bill Page:   SB508
SB518SCHOOL PROPERTY TAXES. (ROGERS L) Provides that all school corporations that adopt a resolution for a property tax levy for a controlled project or a school safety referendum tax levy after May 10, 2025, must share revenue received from the levy with certain charter schools. Specifies, for purposes of making distributions to charter schools from a property tax levy for a controlled project, that only charter schools located within the attendance area of the school corporation shall receive a distribution of revenue from that levy. Provides that all school corporations must share revenue received from a debt service levy with certain charter schools. Provides that all school corporations that adopt a resolution for an operating referendum tax levy after May 10, 2025, must share revenue received from the levy with certain charter schools. Provides that all school corporations must share revenue from the school corporation's operations fund levy with certain charter schools. Excludes school corporations meeting specified criteria from the sharing of property tax revenue received under the bill's provisions. Provides a calculation for determining the amount of an annual grant from the charter and innovation network school grant program based on the amount of property tax revenue received by a charter school from school corporations. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   2/11/2025 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted
 All Bill Status:   2/11/2025 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 10; Nays: 4
2/11/2025 - Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location: 8:00 AM, Rm. 431
1/16/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
1/16/2025 - First Reading
1/16/2025 - Authored By Linda Rogers
 State Bill Page:   SB518
SB538PFAS CHEMICALS. (ZAY A) Defines "PFAS chemicals" and requires the environmental rules board to use the definition in certain rules concerning industrial processes and research and development.
 Current Status:   1/16/2025 - Referred to Senate Environmental Affairs
 All Bill Status:   1/16/2025 - First Reading
1/16/2025 - Authored By Andy Zay
 State Bill Page:   SB538
SB540LOCAL FISCAL MATTERS. (BUCHANAN B) Raises the acquisition cost threshold for purposes of the personal property tax exemption from $80,000 to $250,000. Limits the ability to seek an excess levy appeal to those units that have experienced a year over year population increase of 5% or more. Caps the allowable increase in the amount of property taxes first due and payable on a homestead in 2026, 2027, and 2028. Provides, beginning in 2027, that the office of the county assessor is an appointive office rather than an elective office. Specifies that the county executive shall appoint an individual to the office of the county assessor. Includes provisions to manage the conversion of the office of the county assessor to an appointive office upon the abolition of the office as an elective office.
 Current Status:   1/16/2025 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy
 All Bill Status:   1/16/2025 - First Reading
1/16/2025 - Authored By Brian Buchanan
 State Bill Page:   SB540