Prepared by: Natalie Russell
Report created on March 6, 2025
HB1003ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. (STEUERWALD G) Makes the office of administrative law proceedings the ultimate authority in any administrative proceeding under its jurisdiction. Provides certain exceptions. Provides that the bill applies to certain proceedings filed after June 30, 2024. Specifies when a state agency may be required to pay reasonable attorney's fees for judicial review proceedings. Outlines procedures for the ultimate authority regarding nonfinal orders and procedures to file objections to final orders. Permits a final order to be corrected by means of a motion to correct error. Provides that the court shall decide all questions of law, including any interpretation of a federal or state constitutional provision, state statute, or agency rule, without deference to any previous interpretation made by the state agency. Provides that a court is not bound by a finding of fact made by the ultimate authority if the finding of fact is not supported by the record. Requires the state agency to transmit the agency record to the court for judicial review. Eliminates the office of environmental adjudication and transfers proceedings to the office of administrative law proceedings. Creates requirements for administrative law judges that are assigned to certain environmental matters. Provides that until the office of administrative law proceedings adopts or amends rules related to environmental matters, it must continue to follow and implement rules under 315 IAC. Requires the office of administrative law proceedings to continue to index and make publicly available, in a substantially similar online searchable format, the final orders of contested appeals currently maintained by the office. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 128
HB1011END OF LIFE OPTIONS. (PIERCE M) Allows individuals with a terminal illness who meet certain requirements to make a request to an attending provider for medication that the individual may self-administer to bring about death. Specifies requirements a provider must meet in order to prescribe the medication to a patient. Prohibits an insurer from denying payment of benefits under a life insurance policy based upon a suicide clause in the life insurance policy if the death of the insured individual is the result of medical aid in dying. Establishes a Level 1 felony if a person: (1) without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication with the intent or effect of causing the individual's death; or (2) knowingly or intentionally coerces or exerts undue influence on an individual to request medication to bring about death or to destroy a rescission of a request for medication to bring about death. Establishes a Class A misdemeanor if a person, without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication in order to affect a health care decision by the individual. Establishes certain criminal and civil immunity for health care providers.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1015HEALTH CARE STAFFING. (LEDBETTER C) Requires a hospital to establish a nurse staffing council or assign the functions of the council to an entity in the hospital to develop a nurse staffing plan and review any reported deviations from the plan. Prohibits a hospital from taking certain actions against an employee or contract worker for filing a deviation report. Prohibits a hospital, ambulatory outpatient surgical center, health facility, or residential care facility from requiring a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse to work mandatory overtime. Establishes exceptions. Prohibits a hospital, ambulatory outpatient surgical center, health facility, or residential care facility from taking certain actions against an employee who does not consent to work mandatory overtime.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1024PREGNANCY ACCOMMODATIONS. (NEGELE S) Codifies a section of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. Repeals superseded provisions.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1028MEDICAID COVERAGE FOR PREGNANCY SERVICES. (BAUER M) Requires Medicaid pregnancy services to include reimbursement for: (1) delivery services provided in a birthing center; and (2) a home birth performed by a physician or certified nurse midwife.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1033CAUSES OF ACTION. (TORR J) Prohibits causes of action against a property owner, a business owner, or a third party business operator for a criminal act committed by another person on the property, at the business, or on premises owned by another person. Provides limitations on actions related to public nuisances.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1040MEDICAL FORENSIC EXAMINATION KITS. (KLINKER S) Repeals and relocates the statute requiring the superintendent of the state police department (superintendent) to adopt guidelines to establish a standard medical forensic examination kit for victims of sex crimes (kits). Requires the superintendent to adopt guidelines on the processing and testing of kits. Requires law enforcement agencies to submit data to the superintendent concerning kits in the agencies' possession. Requires the superintendent to provide information concerning the processing and testing of kits to the interim study committee on corrections and criminal code. Requires the department of homeland security to develop best practice policies and procedures for crime labs and law enforcement agencies concerning medical forensic evidence of sex crimes. Requires a forensic medical services provider to notify a law enforcement agency regarding the completion of a kit not later than 24 hours after the kit is completed. Requires that a notification be provided to a victim who has registered for notifications through the web based claims reimbursement and sexual assault examination kit tracking system not more than 30 days after a change in status to the kit. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1054SCREENING FOR SCOLIOSIS. (GARCIA WILBURN V) Requires a health care provider who provides health care services to a child who is at least nine years of age but less than 13 years of age to take certain actions concerning a scoliosis screening.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1058BREAST CANCER SCREENING AND SERVICES. (NEGELE S) Specifies that coverage of breast cancer rehabilitative services and reconstructive surgery incident to a mastectomy includes chest wall reconstruction and aesthetic flat closure. Requires a facility performing a mammography examination to provide: (1) an assessment of the patient's breast tissue density using specified classifications; (2) written notice to the patient and the referring provider; and (3) concerning the notice to the patient, specified notification language depending on whether the facility determined the patient to have dense breast tissue or not dense breast tissue. Requires the medical licensing board of Indiana to amend an administrative code rule to remove references to "high breast density" and to align with the breast tissue density classifications in this act.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 3
HB1059ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSES. (LEDBETTER C) Removes the requirement that an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) have a practice agreement with a collaborating physician. Removes a provision requiring an APRN to operate under a collaborative practice agreement or the privileges granted by a hospital governing board. Removes certain provisions concerning the audit of practice agreements. Allows an APRN with prescriptive authority to prescribe a schedule II controlled substance for weight reduction or to control obesity. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1064DCS TECHNICAL CHANGES AND ADOPTION SUBSIDIES. (DEVON D) Relocates the definition of "foster youth". Defines "licensed kinship caregiver". Makes the following changes with regard to state adoption subsidies: (1) Removes the age requirement for eligibility. (2) Provides that a child who is a ward of the department of child services (DCS) is considered hard to place for purposes of eligibility. Removes language regarding medical passports. Provides that if a child in foster care receives medical care, the person having custody of the child shall inform the provider that the child is in foster care and require a copy of the medical treatment record to be sent to the DCS local office. Provides that DCS shall not make an out-of-home placement of a child in a home if a person residing in the home has been convicted of a nonwaivable offense. Makes technical and conforming changes.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 46
HB1069PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN ABORTION FUNDING. (MAYFIELD P) Provides that neither the state nor any political subdivision may: (1) make a payment from any fund for the performance of or costs associated with procuring an abortion; (2) allow the use of facilities or funds controlled by a hospital or ambulatory outpatient surgical center for the performance of or costs associated with procuring an abortion; or (3) make a payment or grant from any fund under its control to an organization that performs abortions, makes referrals for individuals to obtain abortions, or uses state or political subdivision funds for the performance of or costs associated with procuring an abortion. Provides an exception. Defines "private entity" and "political subdivision".
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1071EXCEPTIONS TO REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS. (CASH B) Provides that a person may not be required to receive an immunization if: (1) the entity requiring an immunization has certain documentation that the person received the immunization required by the entity; (2) the immunization is medically contraindicated; (3) receiving the immunization is against the person's religious belief; or (4) the person refuses to permit the immunization after being fully informed of the health risks. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1072STUDENT IMMUNIZATIONS. (CASH B) Provides that a student enrolled in a health profession education program may not be required to receive an immunization as a condition of: (1) participating in; or (2) obtaining; clinical training or clinical experience required by the program. Allows a student to bring a civil action against an entity for a violation of these provisions. Amends the definition of "documentation of exemption" for purposes of provisions governing immunization requirements at state educational institutions. Prohibits a state educational institution from requiring a student to provide specific information regarding the student's religious objection in a request for an exemption from immunization requirements.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1091PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. (PRESSEL J) Requires, on or after January 1, 2026, health plans (plan) to allow health professionals who have at least an 85% approval rate of prior authorization requests through a plan to receive a one year exemption from the plan's prior authorization requirements. Provides that health professionals have a right to an appeal of a prior authorization denial or rescission. Provides that the appeal is to be conducted by a health professional of the same or similar specialty as the health professional who has or is being considered for an exemption.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1099ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND DEMENTIA EDUCATION. (PORTER G) Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to: (1) collaborate with a national Alzheimer's disease and dementia organization in educating the public about Alzheimer's disease and dementia; and (2) identify and collaborate with additional partners in the education. Requires the state department to partner for outreach in the education and publish certain educational materials on the state department's website. Allows the state department to accept grants, services, and property from public and private entities for the education.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1110INFORMATION CONCERNING CYTOMEGALOVIRUS INFECTION. (CAMPBELL C) Requires the Indiana department of health to: (1) establish and administer a public education program to provide information on cytomegalovirus to pregnant women; and (2) distribute the information to specified persons. Requires a clinic or medical facility that offers fertility care to make the information concerning cytomegalovirus available to patients of the clinic or facility.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1114COVERAGE FOR CANCER SCREENING AND PRESCRIPTIONS. (PRYOR C) Requires a state employee health plan to cover supplemental breast examinations. Requires a policy of accident and sickness insurance and a health maintenance organization to cover diagnostic breast examinations and supplemental breast examinations. Provides that the coverage of diagnostic breast examinations and supplemental breast examinations may not be subject to any cost sharing requirements. Prohibits a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization that provides coverage for advanced, metastatic cancer and associated conditions from requiring that, before providing coverage of a prescription drug, the insured fail to successfully respond to a different prescription drug or prove a history of failure of a different prescription drug.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1118MENTAL HEALTH CARE FOR FIRST RESPONDERS. (JACKSON C) Establishes the Indiana first responders mental health wellness fund and program (fund and program). Provides that the division of mental health and addiction of the office of the secretary of family and social services (division) shall administer the fund and program. Provides that a first responder who meets certain requirements may apply to the division for: (1) costs associated with the first responder's active participation in a mental health treatment plan as determined by a psychologist or physician treating the first responder; and (2) compensation if the first responder is unable to work. Establishes requirements for obtaining compensation. Makes a continuous appropriation.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1119CONSENT FOR PELVIC, PROSTATE, AND RECTAL EXAMS. (JACKSON C) Prohibits health practitioners and other specified individuals from performing pelvic, prostate, or rectal examinations on an anesthetized or unconscious patient except in specified circumstances.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1125MATERNAL HEALTH. (SUMMERS V) Requires the Indiana department of health (department) to develop a program to award grants to certain community based programs to reduce the prevalence of maternal mortality in Indiana. Requires the department to collaborate with the statewide maternal mortality review committee in developing the program. Provides that the department shall establish workgroups to assist in developing the program. Allows the department to adopt rules to administer the chapter.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1128PROHIBITION ON LIEN FOR MEDICAL DEBT. (SUMMERS V) Provides that: (1) any amount of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer; or (2) in an action against a consumer in which a judgment has been entered, any amount of the judgment that represents health care debt determined to be owed by the consumer; does not constitute a lien against the consumer's principal residence. Provides that in any action filed, in a court of competent jurisdiction in Indiana, for the recovery of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer, the principal residence of the consumer is not liable to judgment or attachment or to be sold on execution against the consumer.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1132INVESTIGATORS EMPLOYED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. (MCNAMARA W) Provides that the attorney general shall designate not more than four investigators employed within the state Medicaid fraud control unit to be law enforcement officers of the state. Provides that the attorney general shall designate not more than two investigators employed within the identity fraud unit to be law enforcement officers of the state. Provides that the investigators shall have all the powers and duties of law enforcement officers in conducting investigations or in serving any process, notice, or order connected with the duties of the respective units, regardless of whatever officer, authority, or court issued the process, notice, or order. Provides that the investigators are subject to certain confidentiality and disclosure requirements relating to criminal intelligence information and criminal history information. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   3/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
HB1138PROFESSIONAL LICENSING MATTERS. (GOSS-REAVES L) Removes references to a quality review in provisions relating to the licensing of accountants. Requires the Indiana board of accountancy (board) to adopt rules requiring the firm to allow the administering entity to provide access to the results of its most recently accepted peer review and other objective information to the board. Removes language requiring the administering entity to make a peer review report available to the oversight committee not more than 30 days after the issuance of the peer review report. Provides that the results of a peer review may be treated as a complaint submitted by the board. Removes language requiring the peer review committee issuing a report to cooperate with an investigation of a complaint. Allows the use of certain titles by an individual who is enrolled in or has graduated from a school or college of architecture or an accredited curriculum of landscape architecture. Specifies that the renewal of a professional geologist license after June 30, 2025, requires continuing education. Allows certain individuals to take various licensing examinations early if certain conditions are met. Increases the number of clinical or supervised hours certain individuals may obtain through virtual supervision.
 Current Status:   4/3/2024 - Public Law 83
HB1145EMERGENCY POWERS. (LUCAS J) Provides that the governor shall declare a disaster emergency by executive order or proclamation only to the extent necessary to provide assistance or otherwise implement measures directly related to a federal declaration of emergency for all or a portion of Indiana. Provides that the orders, rules, and regulations made, amended, or rescinded by the governor must be narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety interest. Provides that if the governor declares a state of disaster emergency, the state of disaster emergency expires not later than 14 days after the declaration and may not be renewed. Provides that the governor may suspend certain regulatory statutes only to the extent necessary to carry out certain emergency responses. Provides that the governor may not suspend any provision of any regulatory statute if that suspension infringes upon any right or protection guaranteed or provided in the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the State of Indiana. Provides that nothing may be construed to authorize the executive board of the Indiana department of health (department) to suspend any law, ordinance, or regulation enacted by the general assembly or other legislative body as part of a rule adopted by the executive board. Provides that the department may establish quarantine and may do what is reasonable and necessary for the prevention and suppression of disease if the department is authorized to do so in a declared disaster emergency. Provides that the department may order schools closed and forbid public gatherings when considered necessary to prevent and stop epidemics if the department is specifically authorized to do so in an emergency declaration. Provides that certain actions authorized by the commissioner of the department, local health boards, or local health officers may not be construed to authorize the commissioner, board, or officer to suspend any law or regulation enacted by the general assembly or other legislative body unless otherwise specifically authorized by a declared disaster emergency. Repeals provisions relating to the governor's authority to establish an energy emergency.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1156REPORT ON MEDICAID BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS SERVICES. (GREENE R) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to prepare and submit a report to specified entities concerning data on the provision of applied behavior analysis services in the Medicaid program.
 Current Status:   3/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
HB1159WORKER'S COMPENSATION. (LEHMAN M) Provides that a bid specification that is entered into, issued, amended, or renewed after June 30, 2024, may not contain a provision requiring an employer to have or maintain a specified experience rating. Requires certain insurance companies that make a successful subrogation claim to revise an insured party's prior experience ratings in a specified manner. Provides exceptions. Defines terms and makes a conforming amendment.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1164REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT. (CASH B) Provides that certain individuals at least 18 years of age but less than 21 years of age are included in the definitions for "child", "child abuse or neglect", and "victim of child abuse or neglect". Requires the department of child services to initiate an onsite assessment within 24 hours if a report alleges child abuse or neglect involving a residential facility licensed by the department. Provides that staff members of a medical institution, a medical facility, or any other health care facility have a duty to report child abuse immediately to both the department of child services and the local law enforcement agency. Provides that an individual's duty to report is nondelegable. Requires that if a report alleges that a staff member, youth coach, or volunteer is the abuser, local law enforcement shall investigate to determine whether the school or athletic facility reasonably should have known that the alleged abuse was happening. Allows local law enforcement to consider certain facts when determining whether the school or athletic facility reasonably should have known about the alleged abuse. Raises the penalty for failure to report to a Class A misdemeanor. (Under current law, it is a Class B misdemeanor.) Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1166CHRONIC WEIGHT MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE. (SHACKLEFORD R) Establishes the chronic weight management task force to study and make recommendations concerning chronic weight related diseases and Type 2 diabetes.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1167IMPLICIT BIAS CONTINUING EDUCATION. (SHACKLEFORD R) Requires the medical licensing board of Indiana to adopt rules requiring a physician and a physician assistant who apply for a license or renewal to complete continuing education addressing the topic of implicit bias. Requires the Indiana state board of nursing to adopt rules requiring a nurse who applies for a license or renewal to complete continuing education addressing the topic of implicit bias. Establishes certain requirements for an implicit bias continuing education course. Provides that the Indiana professional licensing agency must maintain on the agency's website a schedule of or link to implicit bias continuing education courses that are available.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1175REPAYMENT OF MEDICAL SCHOOL LOANS. (HARRIS E) Requires the Indiana department of health (department) to establish and administer a medical school loan forgiveness pilot program (program) for the purpose of attracting physicians to practice medicine in Indiana. Establishes the medical school loan forgiveness fund (fund). Sets forth criteria for the program. Requires the department to, not later than November 1, 2025, and each November 1 thereafter, prepare and submit a report to the general assembly regarding the program. Makes an appropriation to the fund.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1180PUBLIC EMPLOYERS. (TESHKA J) Prohibits a public employer from requiring or stating a preference for a postsecondary degree for employment, rejecting an applicant solely on the basis of the applicant lacking a postsecondary degree, or giving preferential treatment to an applicant who holds a postsecondary degree. Provides an exemption if the job duties require a postsecondary degree and the public employer demonstrates the necessity of a specific postsecondary degree in the job posting. Requires a public employer to provide written notice to each applicant who has been eliminated from hiring consideration. Allows an applicant to appeal a hiring decision to the department of labor (department) if the applicant believes the decision was based on the applicant's lack of a postsecondary degree. Allows any person to report to the department a job posting that includes a requirement or preference for a postsecondary degree and fails to include an explanation of the necessity of the postsecondary degree. Requires the department to take certain actions if an appeal or a report is substantiated by the department.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1184BREAKTHROUGH THERAPIES. (MOED J) Establishes the breakthrough therapies research fund. Provides that a drug, biological product, or medical device that has been designated as a breakthrough therapy under federal law may be made available to a qualified patient and offered by a physician as a part of the patient's medical treatment. Specifies that a civil or criminal cause of action is not created against a manufacturer or health care provider for any harm to a qualified patient resulting from use of an investigational drug, biological product, or device.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1188MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION SERVICES. (PACK R) Prohibits lifetime limitations on a Medicaid recipient receiving substance use disorder inpatient rehabilitation or treatment.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1191MEDICAID MATTERS. (CLERE E) Allows a provider that has entered into a contract with a managed care organization, after exhausting any internal procedures of the managed care organization for provider grievances and appeals, to request an independent review of the managed care organization's action with an independent third party provider selected by the office of Medicaid policy and planning. Establishes a procedure for an independent third party provider to review an action of a managed care organization. Prohibits a provision in a contract between a provider and a managed care organization that would negate or restrict the right of a provider to an independent review and provides that such a contract provision is void and unenforceable. Provides that if the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) or a contractor of the office fails to pay or denies a clean claim for any eligible Medicaid service within certain time limits due to the office or contractor incorrectly processing the clean claim because of errors attributable to the internal system of an insurer or managed care organization, the office or contractor may not assert that the provider failed to meet the timely filing requirements for the claim. Changes the membership of the Medicaid advisory committee (committee). Allows a member of the committee whose position was eliminated to continue to serve until the member's term expires. Establishes co-chairs for the committee and provides that the elected co-chair of the committee serves for a two year term. Requires the office to prepare a report that describes every type of report that must be prepared by a Medicaid contractor or managed care entity and submitted to the office or the office of Medicaid policy and planning. Specifies the information that must be contained in the report. Requires the office to submit the report to the committee and the general assembly. Requires the committee to hold public hearings on the report. Makes technical changes.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1196HEALTH FINANCE MATTERS. (MANNING E) Adds capital projects, technology upgrades, and operational expenses for certain county hospitals to the definition of "public safety" for purposes of local income tax revenue use. Increases the maximum local income tax that may be imposed in certain counties if a tax rate is adopted for purposes related to certain hospitals located in the county. Establishes the Indiana rural hospital and critical health care services fund (rural health care services fund) for the purpose of awarding grants to certain rural hospitals. Provides that the Indiana department of health (state department) administers the rural health care services fund. Establishes the following: (1) The health workforce student loan repayment program (program). (2) The health workforce advisory board (advisory board). (3) The health workforce student loan repayment program fund (repayment program fund) for the purpose of providing funds to repay outstanding student loans of certain health providers who meet the program requirements. Provides that the state department shall administer the program and repayment program fund. Establishes: (1) the imposition of fees at the time a license is issued or renewed for certain health profession licenses; and (2) qualifications to receive a student loan repayment award under the program. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2025, the state department and each board included in the program may award a student loan repayment to an eligible applicant who is a provider licensed by the board. Provides that money in the repayment program fund is continuously appropriated. Repeals provisions concerning the following: (1) The primary care physician loan forgiveness program. (2) The mental health services development programs. (3) The dental underserved area and minority recruitment program. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying topics related to the rural health care services fund. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate study committee the task of studying certain topics related to health care services.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1200STATE EMPLOYEE HEALTH PLAN PAYMENT LIMITS. (MCGUIRE J) Limits the amount that a state employee health plan may pay for a medical facility service provided to a covered individual to: (1) the lesser of the amount of compensation established by the network plan or 200% of the amount paid by the Medicare program for that type of medical facility service or for a medical facility service of a similar type, if the medical facility service is provided by an in network provider; and (2) 185% of the amount paid by the Medicare program for that type of medical facility service or for a medical facility service of a similar type, if the medical facility service is provided by an out of network provider. Provides that a provider, after receiving payment from a state employee health plan for a medical facility service provided to a covered individual, is prohibited from charging the covered individual an additional amount, other than cost sharing amounts authorized by the terms of the state employee health plan. Provides that a determination of the state personnel department, a state employee health plan, or a firm providing administrative services to a state employee health plan that a medical facility service provided to a covered individual is of a type similar to a particular type of medical facility service covered by the Medicare program is conclusive. Requires a medical facility that provides drugs to a covered individual, in billing a state employee health plan for the cost of the drugs, to include in the billing the same "TB" or "JG" modifier that the medical facility would include in the billing if the medical facility were billing the Medicare program for the drugs.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1205MENTAL HEALTH STANDARDS AND REPORTING. (MELTZER J) Requires the secretary of family and social services to provide that the standards for services provided by recovery community organizations for behavioral health recovery, when used as a recovery community organization, be certified through a certain entity and meet other standards established by the division of mental health and addiction. Specifies information that must be reported by a community mental health center as part of the community mental health center's annual report.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1213STATEWIDE STROKE PLAN. (ZENT D) Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to establish and implement a statewide stroke plan. Sets forth requirements of the plan and requirements for certain health care providers to report stroke data. Requires the state department to establish a data base for the reported data and sets forth additional requirements. Requires the state department to annually report certain stroke data to the governor and the executive director of the legislative services agency.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1216MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT FOR CERTAIN DETAINEES. (STEUERWALD G) Removes provisions in current law specifying that services provided to an individual while the individual is committed to a facility for mental health services are medically necessary when provided in accordance with generally accepted clinical care guidelines. Requires Medicaid reimbursement for Medicaid covered services provided to a Medicaid recipient while the individual is detained to a facility for mental health services. Sunsets this provision on June 30, 2025. Requires, on or before February 1, 2025, the office of the secretary of family and social services to report to the budget committee certain information for Medicaid claims data ranging from July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. Amends the requirements for an application for detention.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1229LEAD TESTING. (BOY P) Allows a local health officer to order an environmental inspection of a building in which a child who has an elevated blood lead level has resided for at least six months. Requires a local health department to: (1) identify grants and resources to assist property owners and occupants with lead abatement; and (2) publish the information on the local health department's website. Requires that the guidance developed by the Indiana department of health for health care providers for blood lead level screening for children are consistent with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Amends the requirements for certain health care providers concerning childhood blood lead screening. Removes the expiration date of these provisions. Beginning in the 2025-2026 school year, requires a qualified school to require a child or student who meets specified criteria to receive a blood lead screening test. Provides that a child or student who meets specified criteria may not be initially enrolled in a qualified school unless: (1) the child or student has received a blood lead screening test and documentation of the test is provided to the qualified school; or (2) if the child's parent, student's parent, or student, if the student is an emancipated minor, declines the test, a written explanation for declining the test is provided to the qualified school. Defines "qualified school" for purposes of these provisions.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1246CHOICE OF PHYSICIAN FOR WORKER INJURY OR DISEASE. (MOSELEY C) Permits an employee to choose the attending physician who will provide services and goods resulting from an employment injury or occupational disease for purposes of the worker's compensation law.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1254STUDY OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT MEDICAID WAIVER. (ANDRADE M) Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate committee during the 2024 legislative interim the issue of applying for and implementing a Medicaid waiver to include nutrition supports for certain Medicaid recipients.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1259HEALTH CARE MATTERS. (BARRETT B) Establishes the therapeutic psilocybin research fund, administered by the division of mental health and addiction, to provide financial assistance to research institutions in Indiana to study the use of psilocybin to treat mental health and other medical conditions. Sets forth clinical study requirements. Requires a research institution that receives a grant to conduct a clinical study to prepare and submit a report to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services, the Indiana department of health, and the division of mental health and addiction. Allows, rather than requires, the Indiana department of health to grant an extension to the hospital for the filing of certain reports. Removes the requirement that a clinical preceptor must have at least 18 months of experience as a licensed nurse. Allows the majority of nursing program faculty to be part-time employees of an approved postsecondary educational institution or a hospital that conducts the nursing program. Allows the holder of a student permit issued by the respiratory care committee to perform certain respiratory care procedures on certain child patients. Provides that an individual who previously was employed to provide supervised surgical assistance in a health care facility may provide surgical assistance in a health care facility. Requires a contract with a third party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, or prepaid health care delivery plan to provide that the plan sponsor has ownership of the claims data. Allows a contract holder to request an audit of a pharmacy benefit manager one time per calendar year and not earlier than six months after a previously requested audit. Allows a plan sponsor that contracts with a third party administrator, the office of the secretary of family and social services that contracts with a managed care organization to provide services to a Medicaid recipient, or the state personnel department that contracts with a prepaid health care delivery plan to provide group health coverage for state employees to request an audit one time in a calendar year and not earlier than six months after a previously requested audit. Sets forth requirements concerning an audit. Voids a provision in the Indiana Administrative Code relating to physician referrals for acupuncture services.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1260INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. (BARRETT B) Specifies that provisions of law governing the office of administrative law proceedings apply to the Indiana department of health (state department) in matters concerning the involuntary transfer or discharge of a resident of a health facility. Requires the fee amount for a service provided by the state health laboratory to be based on the federal Medicare reimbursement rate for the service or if the service does not have a Medicare reimbursement rate, the Medicaid reimbursement rate. Amends the list of crimes or acts that preclude a home health aide, nurse aide, or other unlicensed employee from employment at a home health agency and certain health care facilities. Requires the state department to: (1) investigate any report that a nurse aide or home health aide has been convicted of a certain crime; and (2) after an administrative hearing, remove the individual from the state nurse aide registry. Makes it a Class A infraction for a person convicted of a certain crime to knowingly or intentionally apply for a job as a home health aide or other unlicensed employee at a home health agency or certain health care facilities. For provisions concerning the women, infants, and children nutrition program (WIC program), defines "WIC vendor agreement" and requires the state department to include in a WIC vendor agreement a list of sanctions for failing to comply with the agreement. Requires the state department to: (1) select WIC program vendors based on selection criteria set forth in federal regulations; (2) review the selection criteria annually; (3) include the selection criteria in the WIC state plan; and (4) publish the selection criteria on the state department's website. Includes reporting to local child fatality review teams, the statewide
child fatality review committee, local fetal-infant mortality review teams, and suicide and overdose fatality review teams for the release of mental health records without the consent of the patient. For provisions governing home based food products, repeals the term "potentially hazardous food product" and defines "time temperature control for safety food". Adds the state health commissioner or the commissioner's designee as a member of the rare disease advisory council (council). Adjusts the number of council members required to establish a quorum. Amends the membership of the statewide child fatality review committee. Repeals the expiration of the maternal mortality review laws.
 Current Status:   3/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
HB1266FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE IN HEALTH CARE. (MILLER D) Provides that a health care provider, health care entity, and a health carrier may not be required to provide or refer an individual for a health care service that violates the conscience of the health care provider, health care entity, or health carrier. Establishes an exception for a health carrier. Specifies that a health care provider, health care entity, or a health carrier may not be subject to discrimination and certain other acts and liability for declining to provide the health care service. Establishes a civil action for a violation of these provisions. Provides that a person who prevails in a civil action is entitled to certain relief.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1287PROTECTION OF BORN ALIVE INFANTS. (SWEET L) Provides that when a woman who is in premature labor presents to a hospital, the hospital must inform the woman of the hospital's capabilities of treating the born alive infant and managing a high risk pregnancy and, if the hospital's capabilities interfere with the woman's care, the hospital must provide this information before the woman is admitted to the hospital. Provides that if a born alive infant is transported to a hospital with an appropriate perinatal level of care, the woman must be offered an opportunity to be transported to the same hospital. Provides that if the local prosecuting attorney has probable cause to believe that a health care provider may have knowingly or intentionally: (1) violated the requirements concerning the treatment and care of a born alive infant or mother or the professional standards of practice, through the health care provider's actions or inactions; and (2) caused harm or death to the born alive infant or mother; the prosecuting attorney shall investigate the health care provider for appropriate criminal prosecution.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1298ATTORNEY GENERAL INVESTIGATORS. (SPEEDY M) Establishes enforcement departments within the state Medicaid fraud control unit and the identity theft unit of the office of the attorney general. Provides that an investigator of the department who is designated by the attorney general as a law enforcement officer has law enforcement powers that are limited to carrying out the unit's responsibilities.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1309PROPERTY TAX PAYMENTS FOR NONPROFIT HOSPITALS. (SMALTZ B) Requires a nonprofit hospital to pay a certain amount to the county treasurer based on the property tax liability that would be due based on the nonprofit hospital's gross assessed value of exempt property if no exemptions were applied, depending on the extent to which the nonprofit hospital's average of aggregate prices charged in a year exceeds the nationwide average of aggregate prices charged in the immediately preceding calendar year. Requires a nonprofit hospital to submit information each year concerning the nonprofit hospital's average of aggregate prices charged.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1313REAL ESTATE LAND CONTRACTS. (MOED J) Defines "principal dwelling land contract" (contract) as a land contract for the sale of real property: (1) designed for the occupancy of one to two families; and (2) that is or will be occupied by the buyer as the buyer's principal dwelling. Provides that a buyer who has completed the buyer's obligations under the contract is entitled to the homestead deduction regardless of whether the seller has conveyed title. Provides that the seller under a contract must provide the buyer with certain information concerning any liens that encumber the property 10 days before the contract is executed. Sets forth disclosures that must be included in a contract. Requires all preexisting liens on the property to be satisfied by the seller by the end of the contract term. Provides that a contract must permit a buyer to pay the balance owed and receive the deed at any time. Prohibits prepayment penalties or additional charges for an early payoff. Provides a three day cancellation period for both the buyer and seller. Allows the seller and the buyer to transfer their respective interests in the contract to other parties, subject to certain conditions. Requires the seller to provide the buyer with an annual statement of account. Sets forth certain rights and responsibilities of the parties upon default by either the buyer or the seller. Sets forth acts and omissions constituting violations and establishes remedies for these violations. Provides that a violation of these provisions constitutes an incurable deceptive act that is actionable by the attorney general under the deceptive consumer sales act. Authorizes the attorney general, in consultation with the department of financial institutions, to adopt rules to implement these provisions. Requires that the executed contract or a memorandum of land contract be notarized.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1317STATE PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF PROPERTY TAXES. (HALL D) Requires the state to make payments in lieu of property taxes (PILOTs) for qualified parcels in qualified counties in which the lesser of 19%, or 5,000 acres, of all land in the qualified county is: (1) owned or leased by the state or the federal government; and (2) subject to an exemption from property taxes. Defines "qualified parcel" as a parcel that is: (1) owned or leased by the state; (2) subject to an exemption from property taxes; and (3) located in a qualified county. Provides that a qualified county containing qualified parcels is entitled to receive PILOTs from the state. Prohibits an underlying taxing unit of a qualified county from receiving PILOTs. Provides that, for purposes of calculating a PILOT, each acre of the qualified parcel is considered to have an assessed value of 1/2 of the statewide agricultural land base rate value. Provides that money received from the PILOTs must be used by a qualified county only for: (1) any public safety expense; and (2) infrastructure expenditures, including water quality improvements. Continuously appropriates from the state general fund the amount necessary to pay the required PILOTs.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1326OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY. (CARBAUGH M) Provides that the commissioner of labor or the commissioner's duly designated representative may assess a civil penalty of not less than the minimum civil penalty and not more than the maximum civil penalty adopted by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 for an employer who violates certain health and safety standards.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1327HEALTH AND INSURANCE MATTERS. (SCHAIBLEY D) Requires reporting of certain ownership information by: (1) a hospital to the Indiana department of health (state department); (2) a physician group practice to the professional licensing agency; and (3) an insurer, a third party administrator, and a pharmacy benefit manager to the department of insurance. Requires the professional licensing agency and the department of insurance to provide the ownership information to the state department. Requires the state department to post the ownership information on the state department's website. Sets forth penalties for a violation of the ownership reporting requirements. Allows a contract holder to request an audit of a pharmacy benefit manager at least two times in a calendar year. Requires a contract with a third party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, or prepaid health care delivery plan to provide that the plan sponsor has ownership of the claims data. Allows a plan sponsor that contracts with a third party administrator, the office of the secretary of family and social services that contracts with a managed care organization to provide services to a Medicaid recipient, or the state personnel department that contracts with a prepaid health care delivery plan to provide group health coverage for state employees to request an audit at least two times in a calendar year. Provides that a violation of the requirements concerning audits of a third party administrator, managed care organization, or prepaid health care delivery plan is an unfair or deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance and allows the department of insurance to adopt rules to set forth fines for a violation.
 Current Status:   3/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
HB1328DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (SNOW C) Provides that a county fiscal body may provide a stipend, not to exceed $2,500, to a circuit court clerk that serves as a voter registration officer each year in which a general election is held. Requires a political subdivision to upload to the Indiana transparency website any contract: (1) related to the provision of fire services or emergency medical services; or (2) entered into with another unit or entity that provides fire services or emergency medical services. Requires a political subdivision to annually attest that the political subdivision uploaded any contract related to the provision of fire services or emergency medical services as a part of the political subdivision budgeting process and specifies the consequence for failure to satisfy the attestation requirement. Provides that for purposes of public purchasing, the term "public funds" does not include proceeds of bonds payable exclusively by, or used by, a private entity. Provides a 15% procurement price preference to a business offering to provide supplies or services under a contract awarded by a state agency to a business that provides "specialized employee services" to its employees. Extends the duration of an entrepreneur and enterprise district (district) to the later of: (1) December 31, 2029 (rather than December 31, 2024); or (2) five years after the date the district is designated. Amends provisions of a statute pertaining to the assessment of rental property. Requires the department of local government finance (department) to notify the county assessor of the department's tentative assessment, or information related to tentative valuation changes, of a utility company's distributable property not later than June 1. Reinstates a provision that was repealed in SEA 325-2023 (P.L.182-2023) that includes as a "homestead" property that is an individual's principal place of residence, is located in Indiana, and is owned by an entity, if the individual is a shareholder, partner, or member of the entity that owns the property. Requires a county auditor to submit an amended certified statement of the assessed value for the ensuing year to the department by the later of: (1) September 1; or (2) 15 days after the certified statement is submitted to the department. Requires the proper officers of a political subdivision that desire to appropriate more money for a particular year than the amount prescribed in the budget for that year as finally determined to hold a public hearing after submitting information regarding the proposed additional appropriation to the department's computer gateway. Provides for a maximum property tax levy increase for Knox Township in Jay County. Prohibits certain civil taxing units that determine they cannot carry out their governmental functions for an ensuing calendar year under various levy limitations from submitting an appeal unless the civil taxing unit receives approval from the appropriate fiscal body to submit the appeal. Similarly prohibits a participating unit of a fire protection territory from submitting an appeal unless each participating unit of the fire protection territory has adopted a resolution approving submission of the appeal. Requires the department, regarding the referendum process for bonds or leases for certain projects, to certify its approval or recommendations to the county auditor and the county election board not more than 10 days after both the required certification of the county auditor and the language of the public question are submitted to the department for review. Provides for the staggering of terms for property tax assessment board of appeals members. Provides that if the department determines that certified computer software or a certified provider is not in compliance with certain specifications or standards or the rules of the department, the department may request that the provider develop a corrective action plan. Provides that a contract with a computer provider under a corrective action plan is not void unless the department: (1) determines that the provider has failed to substantially correct the noncompliance; and (2) revokes the provider's certification. Establishes corrective action plan provisions for noncompliant computer providers. Provides the amount of the additional penalty added to taxes payable if a person fails to file a personal property return within 30 days after the due date. Amends a provision regarding the local income tax rate for local costs of the state judicial system in the county. Requires the department to approve a lower levy freeze tax rate if it finds that the lower rate, in addition to: (1) the supplemental distribution as determined in an adopted resolution; and (2) the amount in certain repealed stabilization funds, as applicable; would fund the levy freeze dollar amount. Provides that certain acute care hospitals may apply to the division of mental health and addiction for certification as a community mental health center. Requires the division of mental health and addiction to review applications for certification as a community mental health center: (1) to ensure an applicant meets certain standards; and (2) without consideration for previously established exclusive geographic primary service restrictions. Requires the department to send its decision regarding referendum language to the governing body of a school corporation not more than 10 days after: (1) the certification of the county auditor; and (2) the resolution is submitted to the department. Provides that, for purposes of the transportation levy component of an operations fund property tax levy, a school corporation, whose budget for the upcoming year is subject to review by a fiscal body, may not submit an appeal to the department unless the school corporation receives approval from the fiscal body. Provides that a county fiscal body may establish a salary schedule that includes a stipend, not to exceed $2,500 in a year, to be paid to the county auditor for duties when warranted as determined by the county fiscal body. Requires a county recorder to provide the owner of a farm with: (1) a copy of the recorded document that contains the name of the owner's farm; and (2) documentation of a description of the land to which the name of the farm applies. Provides that for a county having a United States government military base that is scheduled for closing, the expiration date of the allocation area may be extended for the purposes of paying certain expenses. Repeals a provision that prohibits a local unit from amending the boundaries of an economic improvement district (EID). Instead, allows a local unit to amend the boundaries of an EID only if an owner of real property wishes to include the owner's real property in the EID and voluntarily enters into a written agreement with the legislative body of the local unit in which the owner requests and consents to increasing the boundaries of the EID to include the owner's real property. Specifies that, for real property subject to such a written agreement that is subsequently sold to a new owner, the new owner of that real property may opt out of the prior owner's agreement. Provides that no ordinance or safety board action to fix compensation may provide for any increase in the compensation of any member of a police department or fire department, or any other appointee, from the prior budget year if the city has not fixed a budget, tax rate, and tax levy for the ensuing budget year.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1332INSURANCE MATTERS. (CARBAUGH M) Establishes the insurance producer education and continuing education commission with appointments to the commission by the commissioner of the department of insurance (department). Repeals the insurance producer education and continuing education advisory council. Repeals the law requiring an alien or foreign insurance company to annually submit to the department a condensed statement of its assets and liabilities and requiring the department to publish the statement in a newspaper. Adds to the law on the regulation of insurance holding company systems provisions concerning liquidity stress testing according to the framework established by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Amends the law on insurance administrators to set forth certain circumstances under which an insurance administrator is required to apply to Indiana for a license. Requires an insurer to mail a written notice of nonrenewal to an insured at least 60 days before the anniversary date of the policy if the coverage is provided to a municipality or county entity. Provides that if a party to a health provider contract intends to terminate the contractual relationship with another party to the health provider contract, the terminating party must provide written notice to the other party of the decision to terminate the contractual relationship not less than 90 days before the health provider contract terminates. Amends the law on individual prescription drug rebates and the law on group prescription drug rebates to authorize the department to adopt rules for the enforcement of those laws and to specify that a violation of either of those laws is an unfair or deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance. Requires an insurer to only offer to plan sponsors the following plans: (1) A plan that applies 100% of the rebates to reduce premiums for all covered individuals equally. (2) A plan that calculates defined cost sharing for covered individuals of the plan sponsor at the point of sale based on a price that is reduced by an amount equal to at least 85% of all of the rebates received or estimated to be received by the insurer. Changes the date of applicability for provisions regarding a notice of material change from after June 30, 2024, to after June 30, 2025. Amends the property and casualty insurance guaranty association law concerning the allocation, transfer, or assumption by one insurer of a policy that was issued by another insurer.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1333EMERGING THERAPIES. (BORDERS B) Requires, before January 1, 2025, the state personnel department to explore evidence supporting opportunities for benefit modification of the state employee health plan informed by the Choosing Wisely initiative, emerging therapies, and therapeutic alternatives to invasive surgical procedures. Requires, before July 1, 2025, the state personnel department to: (1) identify and consider implementation of pilot programs that include step therapy or center of excellence approaches for which evidence demonstrates cost savings to the state employee health plan; and (2) identify opportunities to stimulate conversations between covered individuals and health care providers about appropriate and necessary treatment.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1334EMPLOYER IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS. (BORDERS B) Provides that an employer may require an immunization only if the employer respects the employee's right to refuse an immunization. Provides that an employee shall be free from coercion or an adverse action based on the employee's refusal of an immunization. Requires an employer that offers an immunization at no cost to an employee to provide certain notice to the employee. Provides that a violation may be reported to the department of labor (department). Requires the department to impose a civil penalty of $5,000 per incident. Allows an employee to bring a civil action against an employer to enforce the provisions. Repeals provisions concerning exemptions from COVID-19 immunization requirements. Makes a corresponding change.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1335INDIANA VACCINATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING SYSTEM. (BORDERS B) Requires the Indiana department of health (department) to establish an Indiana vaccination adverse event reporting system (IVAERS) for reporting the occurrence of adverse events relating to childhood vaccines. Provides that IVAERS must enable a health care provider to report the occurrence of an adverse event experienced by a child residing in Indiana who is under the care of the health care provider. Requires the department to create a searchable Internet data base for publishing information reported through IVAERS. Provides that the health information of a particular individual is confidential. Specifies to whom and the requirements for releasing health information of a particular individual. Provides that a person who knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly discloses confidential information received through IVAERS in violation of the statute commits a Class A misdemeanor. Authorizes the department to adopt rules concerning IVAERS. Makes an appropriation.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1346MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE. (ABBOTT D) Provides, after December 31, 2024, the following protections to an individual who is less than 65 years of age and is eligible for and enrolled in Medicare by reason of a disability or having end stage renal disease: (1) Requires an issuer of Medicare supplement policies or certificates (issuer) to make available to the individual the equivalent Medicare supplement policy or certificate that the issuer makes available to a person at least 65 years of age. (2) Provides that an issuer required to make a Medicare supplement policy or certificate available to the individual is prohibited from denying, conditioning the issuance or effectiveness of, or discriminating in the pricing of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate for the individual because of the health status, claims experience, receipt of health care, or medical condition of the individual, subject to certain conditions. (3) Prohibits an issuer: (A) from charging the individual a premium rate for a Medicare supplement policy or certificate that exceeds the premium rate the issuer charges an individual who is 65 years of age; or (B) from issuing to the individual a Medicare supplement policy or certificate that contains a waiting period or a preexisting condition limitation or exclusion; subject to certain conditions.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1359PROBATE. (CARBAUGH M) Extends insurance coverage on property transferred by a transfer on death transfer following the death of the insured after June 30, 2025, for property and casualty insurance and liability insurance other than title insurance and certain insurance relating to bonds and mortgages.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1365CONFIDENTIALITY OF BIRTH AND STILLBIRTH RECORDS. (PORTER G) Provides that a registration or certificate of a birth or stillbirth is open to public inspection and copying upon the request of any person that occurs 99 years (instead of 75 years) after the record is created.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1371CERTIFIED REGISTERED NURSE ANESTHETISTS. (CARBAUGH M) Allows a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) to administer anesthesia under the direction of and in the immediate presence of a podiatrist or dentist. (Under current law, a CRNA may administer anesthesia under the direction of and in the immediate presence of a physician.) Provides that a physician, podiatrist, or dentist is not liable for any act or omission of a CRNA who administers anesthesia. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1374MEDICAID CLAIM PAYMENTS FOR NURSING FACILITIES. (KARICKHOFF M) Beginning July 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2024, requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) and a managed care organization to pay 87.5% of a claim to a nursing facility if the claim is not paid within a specified time. Requires the office to assess a managed care organization a fine of $4,800 per claim for failure to pay a nursing facility claim within the required time. Repeals a provision concerning reporting that has expired.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1377PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICING. (SCHAIBLEY D) Provides that the price that a health plan, third party administrator, or pharmacy benefit manager sets for a covered individual's purchase of a prescription drug from a pharmacist or pharmacy must be equal to or less than the amount directly or indirectly paid by the health plan, third party administrator, or pharmacy benefit manager to the pharmacist or pharmacy for the prescription drug.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1378COVERAGE FOR MOBILE INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE SERVICES. (BAIRD B) Requires health plans, subject to applicable deductible and coinsurance for a state employee health plan, to provide reimbursement for emergency medical services that are performed or provided during a response initiated as part of a mobile integrated healthcare program currently established in Delaware, White, and Montgomery counties. Provides that the reimbursement for emergency medical services that are performed or provided as part of a mobile integrated healthcare program in Delaware, White, and Montgomery counties shall be in effect from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027. Requires the department of insurance (department) to compile a report detailing any cost changes based on claims data, as a result of the reimbursement for emergency medical services that are performed or provided as part of a mobile integrated healthcare program in Delaware, White, and Montgomery counties. Requires the department to compile the report not later than July 1, 2026.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1379UNBORN CHILDREN. (SWEET L) Modifies the definition of "human being" in the criminal code to include an unborn child. Removes applicability language concerning certain abortions in the wrongful death or injury of a child statutes. Clarifies the duress defense relating to culpability. Repeals the section that provides that the homicide chapter does not apply to certain abortions. Removes language from the murder, manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter statutes regarding intentionally killing a fetus. Repeals the crime of feticide. Repeals the section that concerns the applicability of certain crimes related to abortion, the termination of a pregnancy, or the killing of a fetus. Provides that the homicide and battery chapters apply to a victim who is an unborn child.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1385EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. (BARRETT B) Establishes the community cares initiative grant pilot program for the purpose of assisting in the costs of starting or expanding mobile integrated health care programs and mobile crisis teams in Indiana. Establishes the community cares initiative fund. Requires a health plan operator to provide payment to a nonparticipating ambulance service provider for ambulance service provided to a covered individual: (1) at a rate not to exceed the rates set or approved, by contract or ordinance, by the county or municipality in which the ambulance service originated; (2) at the rate of 400% of the published rate for ambulance services established under the Medicare law for the same ambulance service provided in the same geographic area; or (3) according to the nonparticipating ambulance provider's billed charges; whichever is less. Provides that if a health plan operator makes payment to a nonparticipating ambulance service provider in compliance with these requirements: (1) the payment shall be considered payment in full, except for any copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and other cost sharing amounts that the health plan requires the covered individual to pay; and (2) the nonparticipating ambulance service provider is prohibited from billing the covered individual for any additional amount. Provides that the copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and other cost sharing amounts that a covered individual is required to pay in connection with ambulance service provided by a nonparticipating ambulance service provider shall not exceed the copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and other cost sharing amounts that the covered individual would be required to pay if the ambulance service had been provided by a participating ambulance service provider. Requires a health plan operator that receives a clean claim from a nonparticipating ambulance service provider to remit payment to the nonparticipating ambulance service provider not more than 30 days after receiving the clean claim. Provides that if a claim received by a health plan operator for ambulance service provided by a nonparticipating ambulance service provider is not a clean claim, the health plan operator, not more than 30 days after receiving the claim, shall: (1) remit payment; or (2) send a written notice that: (A) acknowledges the date of receipt of the claim; and (B) either explains why the health plan operator is declining to pay the claim or states that additional information is needed for a determination whether to pay the claim. Removes the requirement that a health plan operator negotiate rates and terms with any ambulance service provider willing to become a participating provider, but retains the requirement that the state negotiate rates and terms with any ambulance service provider willing to become a participating provider.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1386MEDICAID MATTERS. (BARRETT B) Sets forth the powers and duties of the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) concerning Medicaid home and community based services waivers. Defines "home and community based services waiver". Requires a provider of services under a home and community based services waiver to follow any waiver requirements under federal law and developed by the office of the secretary. Establishes requirements for home and community based services waivers. Relocates provisions requiring reimbursement for assisted living services for individuals who are aged and disabled and receiving services under a Medicaid waiver. Specifies that: (1) these provisions apply to an individual receiving services under a home and community based services waiver; and (2) reimbursement is required for certain services that are part of the individual's home and community based service plan. Relocates provisions establishing limitations concerning assisted living services provided in a home and community based services program. Relocates a provision requiring the office of the secretary to annually determine any state savings generated by home and community based services. Removes a provision allowing the division of aging to adopt rules concerning an appeals process for a housing with services establishment provider's determination that the provider is unable to meet the health needs of a resident and allows the office of the secretary to adopt rules concerning the appeals process. Requires an individual who provides attendant care services for compensation from Medicaid to register with the office of the secretary. Removes the requirement that the division of aging administer programs established under Medicaid waivers for in-home services for treatment of medical conditions. Provides that provisions of law concerning the statewide waiver ombudsman apply to an individual who has a developmental disability and receives services administered by the bureau of disabilities services. (Current law specifies that these provisions apply to an individual who has a developmental disability and receives services under the federal home and community based services program). Specifies that these provisions do not apply to an individual served by the long term care ombudsman program. Changes references from "statewide waiver ombudsman" to "statewide bureau of disabilities services ombudsman". Requires certain facilities to provide notice within a specified time to the division of family resources (division) that a delinquent child will be released from the facility. Requires the division to take action necessary to ensure that the delinquent child, if eligible, participates in the Medicaid program upon the child's release and receives services required by federal law. Specifies that an insurer may not deny a Medicaid claim solely due to a lack of prior authorization in accordance with federal law. Requires an insurer to respond to a state inquiry regarding a Medicaid claim not later than 60 days after receiving the inquiry. Specifies, for purposes of a provision concerning Medicaid third party liability, that the state is considered to have acquired the rights of the person to payment by any other party for accumulated and future health care items or services. (Current law provides that the state is considered to have acquired these rights for the health care items or services.) Repeals a provision providing that licensed home health agencies and licensed personal services agencies are approved to provide certain services under a Medicaid waiver granted to the state under federal law that provides services for treatment of medical conditions. Repeals provisions requiring the division of aging to submit a plan, before October 1, 2017, to the general assembly to expand the scope and availability of home and community based services for individuals who are aged and disabled. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1392MEDICAID WORK REQUIREMENTS. (SLAGER H) Sets forth work requirements for certain individuals in order to be eligible for Medicaid. Makes exceptions. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply for any state plan amendment or Medicaid waiver necessary and to continue to apply for the plan amendment or waiver request if the plan amendment or waiver is denied by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1393MANAGED CARE AND HOSPITAL ASSESSMENT FEE. (BARRETT B) Authorizes the managed care assessment fee to be assessed against specified insurers and administered by the office of the secretary of family and social services. Establishes the managed care assessment fee committee. Sets forth requirements of the managed care assessment fee. Establishes the high risk pool fund. Expires the managed care assessment fee on June 30, 2025. Allows certain providers to contractually agree to a different reimbursement rate with a managed care organization as part of a value based services contract. Excludes hospitals and private psychiatric hospitals. Provides for payments to hospitals out of the phase out trust fund and expires the fund. Exempts: (1) physician owned hospitals; and (2) hospitals that only provide respite care to certain individuals; from the hospital assessment fee. Makes assessment of the hospital assessment fee subject to federal approval of changes made by this act. Requires the hospital assessment fee committee to: (1) review and approve the quality program; and (2) be guided to ensure hospitals are reimbursed at a rate that meets specified requirements. Specifies components of a state directed payment program. Specifies uses of the hospital assessment fee and that hospital assessment fees will not be used for disproportionate share payments if the state directed payment program is implemented. Reduces the hospital fee assessment by the managed care assessment fee and the payment from the phase out trust fund. Requires the commissioner of the department of insurance to revoke or suspend the authority of a managed care organization to do business in Indiana if the managed care organization fails to pay the managed care assessment fee. Repeals language concerning the hospital care for the indigent program. Repeals language specifying the distribution of the hospital assessment fee.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
HB1414VARIOUS HEALTH CARE MATTERS. (KARICKHOFF M) Requires the budget committee to review certain contracts with managed care organizations for the Medicaid program. Allows a managed care organization and a Medicaid provider to enter into a value based health care reimbursement agreement. Prohibits a managed care organization from imposing on a provider a reimbursement rate or payment methodology through a notice of contract change, a policy, or a provider manual change. Allows for case rate reimbursement for emergency services. Requires a managed care organization to contract with any willing provider if the provider: (1) meets licensure and certification requirements and enrollment criteria; and (2) agrees accept the terms and conditions of the managed care organization to provide services under the risk based managed care program; for Medicaid recipients who are eligible to participate in the Medicare program and receive nursing facility services or home and community based services (program). Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to establish minimum reimbursement rates for covered services under the program. Requires a health plan to make current prior authorization requirements and restrictions accessible on the health plan's website. Prohibits the implementation of a new or amended prior authorization requirement or restriction unless certain conditions are met. Requires a health plan to release statistics concerning prior authorization and submit a report concerning the statistics to the department of insurance. Provides that a contracting entity may not grant a third party access to the provider network contract or to dental services or contractual discounts provided under the provider network contract unless certain conditions are satisfied. Provides that any provider that is a party to the network contract must be allowed to choose not to participate in the third party access. Prohibits a contracting entity from: (1) altering the rights or status under a provider network contract of a dental provider that chooses not to participate in third party access; or (2) rejecting a provider as a party to a provider network contract because the provider chose not to participate in third party access. Authorizes enforcement by the insurance commissioner. Provides that if a covered individual assigns the covered individual's rights to benefits for dental services to the provider of the dental services, the dental carrier shall pay the benefits assigned by the covered individual to the provider of the dental services. Prohibits the provider from billing the covered individual if the provider is in the dental carrier's network.
 Current Status:   3/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline for House bills (Rule 79(b))
HB1426LONG ACTING REVERSIBLE CONTRACEPTIVES. (FLEMING R) Requires a hospital that operates a maternity unit to ensure that a woman who is: (1) giving birth in the hospital; and (2) eligible for or receiving Medicaid assistance; has the option, if not medically contraindicated, of having a long acting reversible subdermal contraceptive implanted after delivery and before the woman is discharged. Allows a hospital to be exempt from the requirement if the hospital has a faith based objection. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to reimburse the hospital for the following provided to a Medicaid recipient: (1) A long acting reversible subdermal contraceptive, including the cost of stocking the long acting reversible subdermal contraceptive. (2) Placement of the long acting reversible subdermal contraceptive. Provides that the reimbursement must be separate from, and in addition to, the reimbursement for maternity services for the Medicaid recipient. Sunsets the provisions being added in the bill on June 30, 2025. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to develop a billing process that maximizes federal funding for purposes of the long acting reversible contraceptives reimbursement for a Medicaid recipient.
 Current Status:   3/12/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1428REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROSTHETIC AND ORTHOTIC DEVICES. (SLAGER H) Provides that, after June 30, 2025, orthotic devices are provided under Medicaid. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply for any state plan amendment or waiver necessary to include prosthetic and orthotic devices under Medicaid. Specifies that a minor may receive a prosthetic or orthotic device for the recipient's medical needs. Requires reimbursement for the replacement of an orthotic device or a prosthetic device for a minor for certain reasons.
 Current Status:   2/5/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline (Rule 147.2)
SB3PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. (JOHNSON T) Provides that a utilization review entity may only impose prior authorization requirements on less than 1% of any given specialty or health care service and 1% of health care providers overall in a calendar year. Prohibits a utilization review entity from requiring prior authorization for: (1) a health care service that is part of the usual and customary standard of care; (2) a prescription drug that is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration; (3) medication for opioid use disorder; (4) pre-hospital transportation; or (5) the provision of an emergency health care service. Sets forth requirements for a utilization review entity that requires prior authorization of a health care service. Provides that all adverse determinations and appeals must be reviewed by a physician who meets certain conditions. Requires a utilization review entity to provide an exemption from prior authorization requirements if in the most recent 12 month period the utilization review entity has approved or would have approved at least 80% of the prior authorization requests submitted by the health care provider for a particular health care service. Repeals superseded provisions regarding prior authorization. Makes corresponding changes.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB4FISCAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS. (GARTEN C) Specifies that certain workforce related programs must be reviewed by the legislative services agency at least once rather than every five years. Requires the budget agency to biennially prepare a list of dedicated funds that have not been used in the previous two state fiscal years. Makes technical corrections to various statutes concerning rulemaking. Requires agencies to submit a copy of the notice of the first public comment period and regulatory analysis to the small business ombudsman. Provides that the legislative notice required for rule readoptions must be submitted not later than January 1 of the year preceding the year in which the rule expires. Provides that the publisher of the Indiana Register shall assign a document control number when an agency submits the legislative notice during rule readoption instead of when the agency submits the notice of proposed readoption. Provides that an agency may adopt interim rules to implement a reduction, a full or partial waiver, or an elimination of a fee, fine, or civil penalty included in an administrative rule. Requires the budget agency to transfer money in the phase out trust fund on or before June 30, 2024, to the Medicaid contingency and reserve account. Expires the phase out trust fund on July 1, 2024, and makes corresponding changes. Specifies certain deadlines within the statutes governing an agency's failure to enact required licensure rules. Requires an agency to conduct a regulatory analysis for certain proposed rules, including if the implementation and compliance costs are at least $1,000,000. Provides that if a proposed rule has implementation and compliance costs of at least $1,000,000, the following: (1) The rule cannot be published in the Indiana Register until the budget committee has reviewed the rule. (2) The budget agency and the office of management and budget may not approve any part of the proposed rule prior to review of the proposed rule by the budget committee. Provides that for a provisional rule or an interim rule that has implementation and compliance costs of at least $1,000,000, the governor may not approve a rule prior to the budget committee's review of the rule. Requires the office of management and budget to notify the legislative council of certain proposed rules that have a fiscal impact of over $1,000,000 over the course of two years. Removes references concerning the adoption of an emergency rule. Amends a reference from emergency rules to provisional or interim rules under certain circumstances. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB9NOTICE OF HEALTH CARE ENTITY MERGERS. (GARTEN C) Requires health care entities to provide notice of certain mergers or acquisitions to office of the attorney general. Specifies notice requirements. Requires the office of the attorney general to review the information submitted with the notice. Allows the office of the attorney general to: (1) analyze in writing any antitrust concerns with the merger or acquisition; and (2) issue a civil investigative demand for additional information. Specifies that the information is confidential.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB10COMMUNITY CARES INITIATIVE GRANT PILOT PROGRAM. (BALDWIN S) Establishes the community cares initiative grant pilot program for the purpose of assisting in the costs of starting or expanding mobile integrated health care programs and mobile crisis teams in Indiana. Establishes the community cares initiative fund.
 Current Status:   3/4/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
SB18VARIOUS PROBATE MATTERS. (BROWN L) Expands the definition of a "health care representative". Creates a procedure to transfer the interest of certain single member, limited liability companies to a legatee or heir of the member upon the member's death. Provides that certain provisions in a will or revocable trust in favor of the testator's or trust settlor's former spouse are revoked upon dissolution or annulment of the marriage. Specifies that the provisions in favor of the testator's or trust settlor's former spouse are reinstated if the testator or the settlor remarries the former spouse. Provides that a court may order a convicted felon to serve as a domiciliary personal representative under certain circumstances. Provides that a claim by the estate recovery unit is forever barred unless the estate recovery unit takes certain action against the decedent's estate not later than 120 days after the date of death of the decedent. Provides that a personal representative or a trustee is not required to distribute particular assets based upon the potential gain or loss that a distributee would realize if the assets were sold. Provides that a verified petition for the issuance of a confidential health disclosure order must state whether the alleged incapacitated person cannot provide or has refused to provide written authorization for disclosure of certain medical information. Provides that a document creating a power of attorney that does not contain a notary and preparation statement may be recorded with the county recorder if the document meets certain criteria. Provides signature formats for an attorney in fact to use when signing an instrument on behalf of a principal. Provides recording requirements when including cross-references to a previously recorded document. Requires the endorsement of the county auditor to record a transfer on death deed and instrument. Specifies who an owner may designate as a grantee in a beneficiary designation instrument. Clarifies the form and scope of a transfer on death instrument. Resolves a technical conflict with HEA 1034-2024. Makes conforming and technical changes. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the probate code study commission.)
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB22NOTICE OF DEBT COLLECTION. (BECKER V) Requires a health facility to send notice to a resident that the resident owes a debt to the health facility before the debt is assigned to a collection agency. Provides that the required notice must be sent by certified mail that includes return receipt and must be sent to the resident and the resident's legal representative.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB34OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING. (ROGERS L) Requires the professional licensing agency (agency) to study universal occupational licensing laws enacted in other states. Requires the agency to submit a report with findings and recommendations to the general assembly not later than October 31, 2025. Extends certain dates and expands certain duties regarding the comprehensive review of occupational licensing by public agencies. Delays the date that certain individuals may begin to file a petition to repeal or modify certain occupational regulations. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the interim study committee on employment and labor.)
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB43RARE DISEASE ADVISORY COUNCIL. (BREAUX J) Adds a physician member to the rare disease advisory council who specializes in the treatment of children with rare diseases. Adjusts the number of members required to establish a quorum.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB45TRAUMA INFORMED CARE. (CRIDER M) Requires the Indiana state board of nursing to study whether trauma informed care should be included as part of the required curriculum for nursing education programs. Requires an individual who holds an active license as a nurse and has direct patient contact to complete a trauma informed care training program within a specified time. Requires the employer of an employee who is required to obtain the training to maintain a record of the completion of the training in the employee's employment records. States that receiving the training as part of curriculum at a nursing education program satisfies the training requirement.
 Current Status:   3/4/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
SB46PARENTAL RIGHTS. (BROWN L) Provides that a governmental entity may not substantially burden certain parental rights unless the burden is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering the governmental interest. Prohibits a governmental entity from: (1) advising, directing, or coercing a child to withhold certain information from the child's parent; or (2) denying a child's parent access to certain information. Allows a parent to bring an action against a governmental entity for certain violations and provides for certain relief. Specifies that the parent of a child does not have a right to access certain medical care on behalf of the child if the child does not have an affirmative right of access to such medical care.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB60SAFE HAVEN INFANTS. (HOLDMAN T) Requires the Indiana clearinghouse for information on missing children and missing endangered adults to cooperate with licensed child placing agencies for purposes of locating missing children. Amends the definition of "safe haven infant" to provide that the term means any infant taken into custody by an emergency medical services provider under specified circumstances. Amends the definition of "abandoned infant" for purposes of juvenile law to provide that the term does not include a safe haven infant. Requires an emergency medical services provider who takes custody of a safe haven infant at a location other than a hospital to transport the safe haven infant to a hospital. Requires the department of child services (department) to do the following: (1) Create and maintain: (A) a means by which licensed child placing agencies may opt to receive notice of a safe haven infant having been taken into custody by an emergency medical services provider; and (B) a registry of licensed child placing agencies that have opted to receive notice. (2) Accurately track the number of safe haven infants taken into custody by emergency medical services providers. Requires a licensed child placing agency that assumes custody of a safe haven infant to immediately notify the department that the licensed child placing agency has assumed custody of the safe haven infant. Provides that if a licensed child placing agency assumes custody of a safe haven infant from an emergency medical services provider with which the licensed child placing agency, or an employee of the licensed child placing agency, has a financial relationship that could be construed as providing an incentive for the emergency medical services provider to give custody of the safe haven infant to the licensed child placing agency, the licensed child placing agency: (1) may not place the safe haven infant; and (2) shall, without unnecessary delay after taking custody of the safe haven infant, transfer custody of the safe haven infant to the department. Provides that if the department or a licensed child placing agency files a petition to terminate the parent-child relationship, the petition must be accompanied by an affidavit attesting to the existence of specified conditions. Specifies that notice to an unnamed or unknown putative parent regarding the surrender of a safe haven infant must be published only in Indiana counties. Makes technical corrections.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB110SOCIAL WORK LICENSURE COMPACT. (CRIDER M) Establishes the social work licensure compact.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB132PROFESSIONS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. (BROWN L) Authorizes the office of the secretary of family and social services to implement a risk based managed care program for certain Medicaid recipients. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to convene a workgroup and, with managed care organizations, to conduct a claims submission testing period before the risk based managed care program is established.~ Provides that, during the first 210 days after the risk based managed care program is implemented, a provider that experiences a financial emergency due to claims payment issues shall receive temporary emergency assistance from the managed care organizations with which the provider is contracted. Amends statutes concerning Medicaid provider agreements, health insurance reimbursement agreements, and Medicare supplement insurance to specify that a 15 day period consists of 15 business days. Requires the Indiana department of health to grant a hospital an extension of time to file the hospital's fiscal report if the hospital shows good cause for the extension. Removes an expired provision concerning hospital fiscal reports. Eliminates the requirement that a provider who is licensed in Indiana, physically located outside Indiana, but providing telehealth services to patients who are in Indiana, file a certification constituting a waiver of jurisdiction. Makes a number of changes in the law concerning health facility administrators, including eliminating the requirement that a health facility administrator display the individual's license in a prominent location in the individual's principal office and providing that a particular course of study for administrators in training is not mandatory. Specifies: (1) the manner in which certain nurse applicants may demonstrate English proficiency; (2) that a graduate of a foreign nursing school must pass a specified examination; and (3) additional credentialing verification assessment organizations for certain nurse applicants. Prohibits a third party administrator or another person from arranging for a dental provider to provide dental services for a dental plan that sets the amount of the fee for any dental services unless the dental services are covered services under the dental plan. Provides that a contracting entity (a dental carrier, a third party administrator, or another person that enters into a provider network contract with providers of dental services) may not grant a third party access to the provider network contract or to dental services or contractual discounts provided pursuant to the provider network contract unless certain conditions are satisfied. Provides that when a dental provider network contract is entered into, renewed, or materially modified, any provider that is a party to the network contract must be allowed to choose not to participate in the third party access. Prohibits a contracting entity from: (1) altering the rights or status under a provider network contract of a dental provider that chooses not to participate in third party access; or (2) rejecting a provider as a party to a provider network contract because the provider chose not to participate in third party access. Authorizes the insurance commissioner to issue a cease and desist order against a person that violates any of these prohibitions and, if the person violates the cease and desist order, to impose a civil penalty upon the person and suspend or revoke the person's certificate of authority. Provides that if a covered individual assigns the covered individual's rights to benefits for dental services to the provider of the dental services, the dental carrier shall pay the benefits assigned by the covered individual to the provider of the dental services. However, prohibits the provider from billing the covered individual (except for a copayment, coinsurance, or a deductible amount) if the provider is in the dental carrier's network. Requires the Indiana state board of nursing to amend a specified administrative rule to conform with this act. Requires the medical licensing board to study certain rules concerning office based setting accreditations and report to the general assembly.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB134NONECONOMIC DAMAGES. (GASKILL M) Prohibits a party to a personal injury or wrongful death case from presenting certain evidence concerning the recovery of noneconomic damages.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB139PSILOCYBIN TREATMENT PROGRAM. (CHARBONNEAU E) Establishes the therapeutic psilocybin research fund, administered by the Indiana department of health (state department), to provide financial assistance to research institutions in Indiana to study the use of psilocybin to treat mental health and other medical conditions. Sets forth clinical study requirements. Requires a research institution that receives a grant to conduct a clinical study to prepare and submit a report to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services, the state department, and the division of mental health and addiction.
 Current Status:   3/4/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
SB142COVERAGE FOR MOBILE INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE SERVICES. (BUCHANAN B) Provides that: (1) a state employee health plan; (2) a policy of accident and sickness policy; and (3) an individual or group contract; must provide reimbursement beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2027, for emergency medical services that are performed or provided in specified counties by a mobile integrated healthcare program.
 Current Status:   3/4/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
SB147CHILD CARE PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION AND EVALUATION. (ROGERS L) Amends the property tax exemption for property used by a for-profit provider of early childhood education, including by requiring the provider to offer age appropriate curriculum and by excluding from the exemption tangible property that has been granted a homestead standard deduction. Provides a partial property tax exemption for an employer that provides child care on the employer's property for the employer's employees, and for the employees of another business if the employer and the other business enter into an agreement that outlines the terms under which the child care is to be provided. Specifies the conditions that must be met to obtain the partial property tax exemption. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services, in consultation with the early learning advisory committee, to: (1) evaluate and make recommendations; and (2) submit a report; regarding child care.
 Current Status:   3/4/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
SB148WORKFORCE DATA COLLECTION. (BROWN L) Requires the division of disability and rehabilitative services (division), beginning 12 months after the direct support professional registry is implemented, to post monthly on the division's website the total number of individuals registered under the registry. Requires the division to present information concerning the total number of individuals registered to the division of disability and rehabilitative services advisory council at least quarterly. Requires reports of newly hired employees to be filed electronically. Requires employers to provide an employee's current primary standardized occupational classification code and starting compensation on a report of a newly hired employee. Provides that each workforce focused agency shall deliver a workforce related program report to the management performance hub. Requires the management performance hub to: (1) compile the workforce related program reports into an annual data product; and (2) make the data product available to each workforce focused agency. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB150ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND CYBERSECURITY. (BROWN L) Creates the artificial intelligence task force (task force) to study and assess use of artificial intelligence technology by state agencies. Provides that political subdivisions, state agencies, school corporations, and state educational institutions (public entities) may adopt a: (1) technology resources policy; and (2) cybersecurity policy; subject to specified guidelines. Specifies requirements for: (1) public entities; and (2) entities other than public entities; that connect to the state technology infrastructure of Indiana. Provides, with regard to a licensing contract entered into by a state agency for use of a software application designed to run on generally available desktop or server hardware, that the contract may not restrict the hardware on which the state agency installs or runs the software. Provides that if a state agency enters into a contract with a person under which the state agency runs software on hardware owned or operated by the person, the office of technology shall ensure that the state agency fully complies with the licensing terms of all software run on the person's hardware. Provides that an executive or legislative state agency may submit to the office of technology and the task force an inventory of all artificial intelligence technologies in use, or being developed or considered by the state agency for use, by the state agency. Provides that, subject to specified exceptions: (1) title to any record of state government is held by the state; and (2) title to any record of a local government is held by that local government.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB164FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTER REIMBURSEMENT. (CHARBONNEAU E) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to allow a federally qualified health center to elect for a separate reimbursement for pharmacy costs by removing pharmacy costs from the facility specific prospective payment system rate.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB166BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PROFESSIONALS. (ALTING R) Specifies that statutes concerning behavioral health and human services professionals may not be construed to limit social work or clinical social work services performed by an employee or staff member of a community mental health center. Removes board approval to take a licensure examination as a requirement for a temporary permit to profess to be a clinical social worker, marriage and family therapist, mental health counselor, licensed addiction counselor, or licensed clinical addiction counselor.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB167DIVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION MATTERS. (ALTING R) Prohibits the division of mental health and addiction (division) from requiring providers that are required to be accredited or certified by other entities to submit information to the division that would have been submitted to the accrediting or certifying body. Requires the division to establish a work group to discuss specified issues concerning audits and requires a report to be submitted before November 1, 2024.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB168340B DRUG PROGRAM REPORT. (CHARBONNEAU E) Requires an entity authorized to participate in the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program to annually report specified data to the Indiana department of health (department). Requires the department to submit a report of the aggregated data to the legislative council and post the report on the department's website.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB178HOSPITAL ASSESSMENT FEE. (DORIOT B) Provides that a physician owned hospital that is ineligible to receive certain Medicaid or Medicare reimbursement is not considered to be a hospital for purposes of the hospital assessment fee.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB192VARIOUS HEALTH CARE MATTERS. (JOHNSON T) Provides that if a physician has entered into a provider agreement with the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) or a managed care organization and the physician, subject to the provider agreement, provides emergency medical services to individuals participating in the state Medicaid program, the office or the managed care organization shall promptly compensate the physician for the services in accordance with an autopay list published by the office. Prohibits any delay in or denial of compensation to the physician unless the cause of the delay or denial is specifically provided for in: (1) the Medicaid managed care law; (2) an administrative rule adopted under the Medicaid managed care law; (3) the federal administrative rules on Medicaid managed care; or (4) the provider agreement. States that a home health agency is not required to conduct a tuberculosis test on a job applicant before the individual has contact with a patient. Repeals a statute that requires certain personal services agency employees or agents to complete a tuberculosis test. Authorizes the establishment of home health agency cooperative agreements. (A similar law enacted in 2022 expired on July 1, 2023.) Makes statements and findings of the general assembly concerning home health agency cooperative agreements. Specifies that a home health agency may contract directly or indirectly through a network of home health agencies. Allows a pharmacist to administer an immunization that is recommended by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to a group of individuals under a drug order, under a prescription, or according to a protocol approved by a physician if certain conditions are met. (Current law allows a pharmacist to administer specified immunizations to a group of individuals under a drug order, under a prescription, or according to a protocol approved by a physician if certain conditions are met.) Removes a provision allowing a pharmacist to administer pneumonia immunizations to individuals who are at least 50 years of age.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB208ABORTION. (YODER S) Reestablishes the licensure of abortion clinics. Changes statutes concerning when an abortion may be performed. Removes the eight week limitation on the use of an abortion inducing drug. Allows, rather then requires, the revocation of a physician's license for the performance of an abortion in violation of the law.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB210PROPERTY TAXES AND SALES AND USE TAXES. (YOUNG M) Eliminates property taxes on primary residences for those who are at least 65 years of age (qualified homesteads) and on business personal property. Decreases the state sales and use tax rate from 7% to 6%, except for business to business transactions, in which case the rate is decreased from 7% to 2.75%. Provides that the sales and use tax applies to transactions involving services, except for legal services, health or mental health services (including insurance premiums for policies covering these services), and services provided for charitable tax exempt purposes. Deposits the increased sales and use tax revenue in the state general fund. Provides an annual state distribution to offset the property tax elimination for qualified homesteads and business personal property based on the amount of property taxes that otherwise would be due on the qualified homesteads and business personal property. Prohibits changes in qualified homestead and business personal property tax deductions, credits, and abatements that were in effect on December 31, 2023. Increases the maximum renter's deduction for income tax purposes from $3,000 to $8,000 per taxable year. Freezes the gasoline excise tax and the special fuel tax rates beginning on July 1, 2024, at the rates that were in effect on June 30, 2024. Makes conforming changes and technical corrections. Makes an ongoing appropriation.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB215MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE. (WALKER K) Provides that after December 31, 2024, an issuer that makes a Medicare supplement policy or certificate available to persons at least 65 years of age must make the equivalent policy or certificate available to an individual under 65 years of age who is eligible for Medicare because of having a federally defined disability or end stage renal disease. (Under current law, an issuer that makes a Medicare supplement policy or certificate available to persons at least 65 years of age is required only to make a Plan A policy or certificate available to individuals under 65 years of age, and is required to make the Plan A policy or certificate available to an individual under 65 years of age who is eligible for Medicare because of having a federally defined disability but is not required to make the Plan A policy or certificate available to an individual under 65 years of age who is eligible for Medicare because of having end stage renal disease.) Provides that if an individual who is less than 65 years of age, who is eligible for Medicare because of having a federally defined disability or end stage renal disease, and who meets certain conditions as to application timeliness applies for a Medicare supplement policy or certificate, the issuer of the policy or certificate is prohibited from: (1) denying or conditioning the issuance or effectiveness of the individual's policy or certificate; (2) charging the individual a premium rate for a policy or certificate standardized as Plan A, B, or D that exceeds the premium rate the issuer charges an individual who is 65 years of age; (3) charging the individual a premium rate for any other standardized lettered policy or certificate that exceeds 200% of the premium rate the issuer charges an individual who is 65 years of age; or (4) issuing to the individual a policy or certificate that contains a waiting period or a preexisting condition limitation or exclusion. Provides for the expiration of Code provisions that would be superseded by the new requirements applying to issuers of Medicare supplement policies or certificates.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB217ABORTION MATTERS. (YOUNG M) Prohibits the prescribing or possessing of an abortion inducing drug. Provides for the discipline of a practitioner and a Class A misdemeanor for a violation of the prohibition with a Level 6 felony for subsequent offenses. Establishes a defense to possessing an abortion inducing drug. Prohibits a nonprofit organization in Indiana from providing or offering to provide financial assistance to pay for, offset the cost of, or reimburse the cost of an abortion inducing drug. Gives the attorney general concurrent jurisdiction of actions concerning abortion inducing drugs. Prohibits the state or a political subdivision of the state from assisting an individual in seeking or obtaining an abortion. Allows for the state or a political subdivision to inform an individual of alternatives to an abortion. Requires a woman who is pregnant as a result of rape or incest to provide to her physician an affidavit attesting to the rape or incest before the physician performs the abortion. Prohibits state employee health plans, the state Medicaid program, policies of accident and sickness insurance, and health maintenance contracts from providing coverage for an abortion inducing drug. Makes conforming amendments.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB233CERTIFIED COMMUNITY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINICS. (CRIDER M) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services and the division of mental health and addiction to include each community mental health center that meets certain requirements in: (1) the community mental health services demonstration program (program), if Indiana is approved to participate in the program and as a state plan amendment for specified reimbursement after the program; or (2) if Indiana is not approved to participate in the program, a Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver to allow for Medicaid reimbursement for eligible certified community behavioral health clinic services by certain Medicaid providers.
 Current Status:   3/4/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
SB234DISASTER EMERGENCY. (GARTEN C) Provides that a state of disaster emergency declared by the governor: (1) that applies to the entire state may not continue for more than 60 days unless a renewal is authorized by the general assembly; and (2) that only applies to part of the state may not continue for more than 30 days unless renewed by the governor. Provides that the renewal of a statewide disaster emergency authorized by the general assembly may continue for not more than 60 days. Specifies that if a state of disaster emergency that applies to the entire state has ended, the governor may not call a new state of disaster emergency that applies to the entire state unless the new disaster is wholly unrelated to the earlier disaster. Defines "wholly unrelated".
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB237PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FOR HEALTH CARE SERVICES. (MESSMER M) Amends the law on health care service prior authorizations: (1) to establish a standard by which to determine whether a health care service is "medically necessary"; (2) to require that the medical review or utilization review practices of a health plan be governed by this standard of medical necessity; (3) to require a health plan to employ a medical director who is responsible for reviewing and approving the health plan's policies on responses to requests for prior authorization; (4) to require a health plan to establish clear written policies and procedures for prior authorization for health care services; (5) to restrict a health plan's prior authorization requirements applying to: (A) physical medicine or rehabilitation services for a covered individual diagnosed with chronic pain; and (B) rehabilitative or habilitative services, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and chiropractic services; (6) to provide that, under certain circumstances (including the failure of a health plan to respond to a request within certain time limits), a request for prior authorization is conclusively considered to be approved by the health plan; (7) to require a health plan to provide a procedure under which providers and covered individuals may seek retroactive authorization for health care services that are medically necessary covered benefits; and (8) to prohibit a health plan from denying coverage for a health care service merely because prior authorization was not obtained for the health care service before it was provided to a covered individual if: (A) the health care service would have been a covered benefit if prior authorization had been obtained before the health care service was provided to the covered individual; (B) a determination of medical necessity can be made after the health care service is provided; and (C) it is determined that the health care service was medically necessary. Defines "medically necessary" for use in these provisions.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB242MEDICAID PREGNANCY RELATED REIMBURSEMENT RATES. (BOHACEK M) Sets forth increases in Medicaid reimbursement rates for: (1) prenatal obstetric and gynecological services; (2) pregnancy delivery care services; and (3) postnatal care services.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB256FISCAL MATTERS. (MISHLER R) Provides that money in the attorney general contingency fee fund is continuously appropriated and is not subject to allotment. Reinstates provisions concerning meetings of the budget committee. Provides that money in the high tech crimes unit fund is continuously appropriated for purposes of the fund. Allows the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to designate territory located in an existing allocation area as an innovation development district if certain conditions are met. Removes the sunset provision for when the IEDC may designate an innovation development district. Provides that if an existing allocation area is located in territory subsequently designated as an innovation development district, property tax increment revenue continues to be allocated to the existing allocation area and provides that the allocation area may not be renewed or extended until the term of the innovation development district expires. Extends the funding Indiana's roads for a stronger, safer tomorrow task force for one additional year. Provides that transfers may not be made by the budget agency, the state board of finance, or any entity from any source to the Indiana gaming commission without prior budget committee review. Provides that certain appropriations from the state gaming fund in the most recent biennial budget act may not be augmented. Amends certain language in the Medicaid oversight committee provisions in House Enrolled Act 1026.
 Current Status:   3/13/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB257FIDUCIARY DUTY IN HEALTH PLAN ADMINISTRATION. (BUSCH J) Provides that any third party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, employee benefit consultant, or insurance producer acting on behalf of a plan sponsor owes a fiduciary duty to the plan sponsor.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB258PHYSICIAN REFERRALS AND REIMBURSEMENT RATES. (BUSCH J) Prohibits a referring physician from receiving compensation or an incentive from a health care entity or another physician, who is in the same health care network as the referring physician, for referring a patient to the health care entity or other physician. Provides that the rules adopted by the department of insurance regarding the all payer claims data base must include a requirement that health payers report physician reimbursement rates for each contract and specify a process for health payers to report the physician reimbursement rates. Requires the all payer claims data base to publish the physician reimbursement rates as a separate line item for each contract instead of in the aggregate.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB261CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER LICENSURE. (GOODE G) Provides that licensed physicians with training in psychiatric medicine or licensed clinical psychologists (qualified supervisors) may supervise individuals seeking a clinical social worker license. Permits 75% of supervised clinical social work experience hours to be accounted for through virtual supervision by qualified supervisors.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB262LICENSURE OF NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. (GOODE G) Provides for the licensure of naturopathic physicians. Specifies certain individuals who are not required to be licensed. Establishes the board of naturopathic medicine (board). Establishes license requirements. Requires licensed naturopathic physicians to obtain continuing education for license renewal. Establishes the naturopathic formulary council to establish a formulary for naturopathic physicians. Establishes the childbirth attendance advisory commission to provide recommendations concerning the practice of naturopathic childbirth attendance. Provides that an individual who is not licensed may not use certain descriptions, titles, or initials to indicate or imply that the individual is a licensed naturopathic physician. Establishes criminal penalties for certain violations.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))
SB264RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION FROM WORKER'S COMPENSATION. (BASSLER E) Provides an exemption from worker's compensation and occupational diseases coverage for a member of certain religious sects or a division of a religious sect who meets certain requirements and obtains a certificate of exemption (certificate) from the worker's compensation board (board). Provides that if certain information about an individual who holds a certificate is no longer true: (1) the individual and the individual's employer must take certain steps; and (2) the certificate is no longer effective. Makes conforming changes.
 Current Status:   3/4/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by House 3rd reading deadline for Senate bills (Rule 148.2)
SB273BIOMARKER TESTING COVERAGE. (CHARBONNEAU E) Requires a health plan (which includes a policy of accident and sickness insurance, a health maintenance organization contract, the Medicaid risk based managed care program, and a state employee health plan) to provide coverage for biomarker testing for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, appropriate management, or ongoing monitoring of an enrollee's disease or condition when biomarker testing is supported by medical and scientific evidence. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to provide biomarker testing as a Medicaid program service, and to apply to the United States Department of Health and Human Services for approval of any waiver necessary under the federal Medicaid program for the purpose of providing biomarker testing. Provides that coverage is not required for biomarker testing for screening purposes. Provides that if a prior authorization requirement applies to biomarker testing, the health plan or a third party acting on behalf of the health plan must: (1) approve or deny a request for prior authorization; and (2) notify the covered individual of the approval or denial; in not more than five business days in the case of a nonurgent request or in not more than 48 hours in the case of an urgent request. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to report certain information to the budget committee on Medicaid reimbursement rates provided for biomarker testing.
 Current Status:   3/11/2024 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB276HEALTH CARE DEBT AND COSTS. (QADDOURA F) Adds a new chapter to the Indiana Code governing hospitals' billing practices and financial disclosures to patients. Provides that the unpaid earnings of a consumer who resides in Indiana may not, at any time, be attached by garnishment in satisfaction of: (1) any amount of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by the consumer; or (2) in an action against the consumer in which a judgment has been entered, any amount of the judgment that represents health care debt determined to be owed by the consumer. Prohibits a health care provider from reporting or furnishing to a consumer reporting agency any information related to health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer who resides in Indiana. Defines a "third party furnisher" as a person that regularly and in the ordinary course of business furnishes to consumer reporting agencies information about the transactions and experiences of health care providers with consumers, including information regarding delinquent account actions. Requires a health care provider to include in any contract entered into with a third party furnisher a provision that prohibits the reporting or furnishing to a consumer reporting agency any information related to health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer, including information concerning any delinquent account action taken with respect to health care debt. Provides that if information related to health care debt is reported to a consumer reporting agency in violation of these provisions: (1) the consumer who owes or is alleged to owe the health care debt is relieved from any liability to pay the amount of health care debt reported; and (2) the health care provider and any third party furnisher engaged by the health care provider before or after the reporting of the information may not collect or pursue the collection of the amount reported. Prohibits a consumer reporting agency from recording or retaining in the file of a consumer any information that is: (1) related to health care debt incurred or alleged to be incurred by the consumer; and (2) reported to the consumer reporting agency after June 30, 2024. Provides that if a consumer reporting agency receives a request from a consumer to delete any record of health care debt maintained in the file of the consumer, the consumer reporting agency shall, not later than five business days after receiving the request, take all lawful and reasonable actions to delete from the consumer's file the record of the health care debt, regardless of when the health care debt was reported to the consumer reporting agency. Prohibits a health care provider from: (1) charging or collecting interest on the unpaid balances of health care debt at a rate that exceeds an annual rate of 9%; or (2) initiating any delinquent account action with respect to health care debt during the pendency of an appeal by the consumer for the denial of insurance or other third party coverage for the health care services, products, or devices with respect to which the health care debt was incurred. Prohibits a creditor from obtaining or using a consumer's medical information in connection with any determination of the consumer's eligibility, or continued eligibility, for credit, as required under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. Provides that a person that violates these provisions commits a deceptive act that is actionable only by the attorney general under the Indiana statute concerning deceptive consumer sales. Amends the statute concerning adverse claims against deposit accounts to prohibit a depository financial institution that receives notice of an adverse claim based on health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer from: (1) recognizing the adverse claim in any manner; or (2) placing a hold on, or otherwise restricting withdrawal of funds from, a deposit account in which the consumer who is the subject of the adverse claim has an interest. Provides that: (1) any amount of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer; or (2) in an action against a consumer in which a judgment has been entered, any amount of the judgment that represents health care debt determined to be owed by the consumer; does not constitute a lien against the consumer's principal residence or against certain personal property of the consumer. Provides that in any action filed, in a court of competent jurisdiction in Indiana, for the recovery of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer, the court does not have and shall not entertain jurisdiction in any: (1) action of attachment against the real or personal property of the consumer; or (2) action of garnishment; upon, or any time after, the filing of the complaint in the action. Provides that in any action filed, in a court of competent jurisdiction in Indiana, for the recovery of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer, the principal residence of the consumer is not liable to judgment or attachment or to be sold on execution against the consumer.
 Current Status:   2/6/2024 - DEAD BILL; Fails to advance by Senate 3rd reading deadline (Rule 79(a))